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Love is not just for the living, and true love withstands the test of time! 

(✿˶˘ ³˘)~♡

~You may cast more than one vote~

[A] Ghoul Princess x Zombie Prince

Two lovers sneak away from their families to spend a romantic night in the middle of a moonlit lake. They share a picnic of interesting and exotic delicacies, discuss plans about how to bring peace between their feuding families, and paddle slowly to shore as they sit in each other’s embrace.

[B] Frankenstein’s Monster Bride x Vampire Listener

You are a dead scientist who has been resurrected as a vampire, and you have been on a mission to bring your long-dead beloved back to life. Finally, with a blend of science, necromancy, and samples of blood, you flip the switch and collect the natural energy from a thunderstorm. Her eyes open. You had to stitch her back together, but to you, she’s the most beautiful thing. Well, okay. So maybe her arm is about to fall off. And she has random five-second frenzies of mindless rage. And the metal bolts make caressing her face a tad difficult. But hey, nobody’s perfect!

[C] Tsundere Linguist Cyberzombie x Spoopy Skeleton Curator (Listener)

You are the skeleton curator of the Necropolis Museum, in a post-apocalyptic Earth stuck in perpetual night. The current exhibition is an archaeological showcase of twenty-first century human artefacts: mobile phones, gaming consoles, coffee mugs, printouts of memes, and so on. Accompanying you is a tsundere cyberzombie, who you have, until now, failed to convince to go on a date. However, you slowly but surely manage to win her over…

[D] Married Peasant Couple Turned Undead Thralls

Two thralls meet each other again in the not-so-afterlife and manage to flee their enslavers (the Blood Court, a shadowy organisation composed of vampires). They take shelter inside a surprisingly spacious and well-lit crypt. Here they take the time to talk, and go for a dance. The place is no ballroom, and their bodies have not fared the ravages of time well, but to be able to see and hold each other again after so many years is bliss.

[E] Elf Zombie x Lich (Listener)

Once upon a time, a lich fell in love with an elf, and disguised himself as a mortal to court her. She fell in love with his sweet words and deep voice, but her parents refused to let her marry him. The elf took her own life out of sadness, and after she was buried, the lich came and raised her from the dead. They now live in their own crypt, happily terrorising the adventurous travellers who come searching for treasure.


chris leiterman

Vamps are always my favorite undead.


I went with E, but I would've also liked to have seen how C turned out.


Most of the time when I try to participate in these brainstorms I get brain farts and give up, so I'm always impressed by the creativity of these submissions and the rich imaginations some listeners have. You all are doing good work 👍👍

Arexus Galia

All of these entries touches my heart make me go "Awwww". While the thought of knowing not all will be made into full audios makes me go "Aww....". Awwsome ideas all though.


Honestly, there is no real trick. Well, except maybe read a lot, learn a lot and let yourself get inspired by the best. Seriously though, putting down anything is a start. Then you think about how you could make your idea better. And then better. And again, and again, until you're satisfied. Keeping things simple is also a pretty good idea. If you're idea seems too complex, you gotta start cutting things off.


I’m surprised there aren’t more votes.


Fewer than the last 2-3 months - could be that people are busy, or they saw the huge lead on E and didn't feel the need to vote xD