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Here you are lads and ladies :3 <3




In hindsight the first one is a tough question yeah but, I like your answer. Might download the audio book and listen to it while leveling in WoW. Lord knows I need something to keep me from burning out. Cheers! About making content, I meant in general on any platform anywhere. Whether you felt like your role play audios fulfill the way you want to express yourself or if it perhaps inspired you to express yourself in other ways. Like when you write a story and have an imagine in your mind that goes with it but that you could only fully bring to life through a painting for example so you try to get into art. I suppose the word "content" made it more confusing. My bad. As for the pineapple on pizza, you're on a whole new level! I've never heard of someone only liking it on pizza. Well, at least you and your roasted pineapples are still on the good side 😂 Ty for the Q&amp;A. It's cool to get to know more about my favorite asmrtist 👍


That's a good idea - something to keep you going while you're grinding away at those levels! Ooh ok, I got ya. For now, the roleplays do satisfy the need to express. One thing I'd love to get into more is making things with my hands. Fiddly craft-related things :3. Those would be unrelated to the audios. Artwork is something I don't have talent in (I can do a neat stick figure though :p) - otherwise I'd draw the fantasy landscapes I see in my head. *cuddles her roasted pineapples protectively* Thank you for your questions! Much love xx


Okay, firstly, a hot dog is not a sandwich. I refuse to believe otherwise. Secondly, you gotta finish The Wheel of Time! It's fantastic, definitely worth the investment. I read it and re-read it through a solid chunk of my life and it's just fantastic. Brandon Sanderson finished the last few novels after Robert Jordan passed, and it's a good gateway into his writing style and into his own novels. I'd also recommend the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson, it's a fantasy series about various people aligned with the Malazan Empire. It also covers more broad themes like perseverance, the value of kindness, suffering, etc. I also support your taste in pizza, pineapple belongs on pizza.


&gt;:0 *cuddles hot dog sandwich defensively* Ohhh yes, I totally will when I get the time - I have the first few books on my Kindle. I want to reread them since it's been waaay too long of a gap and I need to refresh my memory lol. Glad to find another WoT fan!! I'll check out the Malazan series as well - it sounds really neat and I love fantasy :D. Yes, pineapple pizza is nom noms :3