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op 724

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At work right now, but gonna steam up some Hot Dogs and cook some French Fries to fully enjoy these episodes when I get home later!


I think Law can either cut to kill or cut to separate things that are in his room. So I guess he simply wasn’t trying to kill Trebol when he hit him with the Radio knife.


No I was hoping for the triple!


Was Trebol a slave to the celestials? The shackles on his feet make it seem like it...might be the reason for his blind loyalty to Doffy? Doffy wants to destroy everything the celestials have (aka the world).


Yep that’s just Law’s power he can cut people up and they remain alive just like he did to Smoker and Tashigi. So Trebol really got cut by him and then the effect wore off


Radio Knife doesn't actually slice you it just splits you like kinnemon, or vergo. Vergo died cause the SAD factory collapsed on him, not cause he was cut in 2. He can cut normally but he has to physically do it instead of ranged with the room.


The one difference that makes Radio Knife special compared to what happened to Kin'emon is that Radio Knife prevents being reassembled for a short time


8:55 , no spoilers but those who knows ,knows how powerfull that panel/scene is . Also trebol backstory is mysterious af, who tf is this guy


Law's regular attacks in the room seem to be about separating you without actual injury--that's 'amputate', he just doesn't usually call it out since it's his go to attack. Radio Knife is the same thing, just with electricity and has that bonus of preventing trickier opponents from reassembling their body. That Sterben blade was just a regular sword attack--he just needed the room to use Takt. Love this man's move set, man. Also for anyone who missed it, it's not super obvious given how long they been killing us with the pacing but, what really makes that funny moment of Trebol screaming afterwards is that he went PIGYA, which is the same sound he had a blast giggling at when he was stomping out the Tontattas underground and they'd squeak out the same little death cry. So they were all looking up at the sky after that moment like 'Damn y'all feel that Karma?'


I know what you mean but I don't quite see the connection between this scene and the scene at mj

Chris D. Jones

Better question how did he survive usopp attack?


did they skip ep 723 or am i tripping?


Probably Observation Haki and putting his real body in one of the slices. Most of what we see is just his slime shit


its a parallel to someone else cant say more cuz of spoilers


It probably skips 723 because they tagged it differently. Most of the episodes are tagged 'One Piece,' but 723 is tagged 'one piece' with all lowercase. It might not show up in the One Piece category because of that.