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Hello.nha lmaoo garp went even against Roger. He's imo the ex-strongest living character


The legendary quad drop x 2


"emperor ender" civilians gas anyone. bro took down one fort chill


Heat always go back to double check..Oda don't play with people's dialogue it might mean something..and yah put respect on Garp brother lmao


the discussions at the end are hilarious and insightful as well. I love the respect you got for Garp, he would have knocked Gilly the F out with a 1 hitter-quitter


At most King Punch would do a bit of damage, but defeating is the common people their unknowing perception.


The barrier thing that barto does is a real thing that kids know for real. At least in Jamaica where I'm from, while playing outdoors with other kids, we had this thing called 'cree' where you would make that hand gesture and the other person would have to stop dead in their tracks, as it means you want to take a short break. Never expected to see something like that in an anime to be honest, but I guess Oda knows a lot about different cultures that even I can relate to something like that.


Thanks for the shoutout my Gs'! Top tier reaction as always. Waiting for the Ippo drop


Not the Usher edit lmao I wasn't ready 😭 Barto the ultimate troll, I love him


the luffy impressions always crack me up


Aye all ima say about that barrier is it’s op dummy sturdy. You’ll see

Ma Rie

The king doesn’t have a devil fruit. That powerup punch is his own power.. I think Blackbeard’s Darkness devil fruit can only make him control people with devil fruits.


Yeah I always try to pay attention to what characters are saying, even ancillary ones. Like the waiter at the Cafe telling Law, Robin and them about when the fighting fish showed up at Dressrosa/Green Bit and giving a time of 200 years. It may or may not mean something at some point.


He doesn't control them, he just makes their devil fruit power ineffective against him, but they could still try to fight him without using it. But he'd probably just suck them into a black hole lol