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If you’re just getting accustomed with various Assetto Corsa mods, the whole thing might seem confusing at first, knowing what to do and in what order. In order to help my friends made an excellent video showing how to download and set everything up. Give it a watch if you need a quick introduction!

(As always, thank you for the incredible support! There is no build in this post yet, sorry, working on something big right now, but it’s not in a functional state yet. Still not entirely sure if it’s actually doable, but if it’ll work overall shading in AC is going to be greatly improved, and proper PBR materials will finally work as expected.)


Assetto Corsa 2024: FULL Guide Content Manager, CSP, SOL, Pure, PP Filters, New Cars/Tracks & Rain.

Welcome to the 2024 Assetto Corsa guide! This video is perfect for beginners and covers everything you need to know in simple steps. We'll start with the Content Manager – a must-have for any Assetto Corsa player. Then, we'll move on to the Custom Shaders Patch (CSP) and SOL, and even advanced Pure which make the game look amazing and let you control the weather and other effects. You'll also learn how to install mods, how to install new cars and tracks, use PP filters for realistic graphics, and how to activate rain effects. Plus, there's more. I will introduce you as well an App Shelf, Gamepad FX, Neck FX and the others curious apps and plugins. In this tutorial, I'll also reveal some lesser-known features of Assetto Corsa. You'll find some of surprises that aren't widely known. Important links: CM - https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html CSP - https://www.patreon.com/x4fab/posts SOL - https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/sol.24914/ PURE - https://www.patreon.com/peterboese/posts 00:00 Intro 00:24 Core Installation, Assetto Corsa from Steam 00:57 Content Manager Installation 01:32 First Launch 02:06 Content Manager Full Version 02:45 Custom Shaders Patch (CSP) Installation 03:20 Advanced CSP Preview (with Rain), x4fab Patreon 04:20 CSP Preview Installation (zip file) 05:11 CSP Quick Link installation 05:45 Content Manager Interface Overlook 09:05 Cars and tracks installation (Automatic) 10:55 Manual installation 12:23 Rain, how to enable rain in Assetto Corsa 12:49 Extended physics 13:13 SOL installation 15:08 SOL Planner 15:46 Developer Mode (hidden feature) 16:05 Pure installation (And how to remove SOL) 18:07 Pure Planner 18:27 Post processing filters (PP filters) 19:36 PP filters in game 20:08 CSP Debug overview 20:41 Flight Mode (F7) and Click to Teleport 20:57 Save and load state on track 20:23 Drag car around and Tires rays debug 21:50 Weather FX debug 22:16 Photo Mode 22:41 App Shelf (New Radar, Unbound app and more) 23:10 Paint Shop from App Shelf 23:40 Gamepad FX 24:20 Neck FX 24:50 Smart Mirror 25:14 Final thoughts, Gameplay and conclusion. Whether you're new to modding or just want to improve your gaming experience you'll find everything you need here. Thank you!


Dylan Podurgiel

the reason assetto is still competitive w other NEW racing games is cause of people like you. adding functionality to keep it up to date and looking beautiful. your work is incredible and you’ve done so much for this community. seriously can’t thank you enough.


Proper PBR materials would be huge. thanks for all the hard work you put into assetto corsa it really makes a huge difference.

Michael James

Right on! Love the work you do for AC!

Tyler Scheuch

As soon as I started getting into AC modding, I found your work. I was (and continue to be) blown away by the technical aspect along with the love that's so apparent in it. So long as I play AC, I'll ALWAYS toss some loot your way via Patreon. It's literally a no brainer IMO. Thanks for endless hours of just FUN!


This is great but can you please do an in-depth overview of the attributes in neckfx?

Mathieu Lachance

Was asking myself What will Happen when Assetto Corsa 2 get released will you deport your work on AC2 ?

Arron Mitchell

Lots of times you just gotta make changes test it out go back if need be and try again. I know there are many places that have their NeckFX settings available, however and explaination of what each does would be handy. Not sure if this person has time to really do all that as he if most likely focusing on the main objective but thats a great suggestion. :)

Arron Mitchell

i hope that the next Assetto Corsa is going to be able to be updated like Assetto is now. This makes it fun and a great community for us all.

BengalCat yoan

thank you and good luck for your next project, it would be really magnificent if it works, have a good day Ilja


Think about the shitstorm they would create, if they close up AC2.

jean louis nissen

Thx for your job, could it be possible to change ppfilter in game, in vr, and why the ai stay static when we start à race since à few weeks ?

Daniel Ben Chimol

this is honsetly a awsome guid but id love if youd talk about stuff like traffic planner

Martin Van roy

THANKS ! I finally managed to install all the programs correctly thanks to this tutorial!

Stephen Mcpherson

Incredible work by all involved, thank you very much.

Hayden McDonald

I have no idea what PBR Materials are but I can't wait for all these updates. Just keeps getting better & better!

Stefano Canonica

If AC2 will get the same love as AC, great things awaits in the future

Ed X'hand

Thanks Ilja for this, we'll share this great tutorial! Can't wait for the next update!


Couldn't agree more. I can easily find NeckFX settings, however, If I want to make minor adjustments, it's challenging to articulate what everything means. Explanation of the fields when hovering over with the mouse would be a huge win in my books.

Florijn Klein

I can't express my thanks enough! This game is the only VR game I played for a year now because of these great mods you and Peter make! It' s simply unbelievable what you guys did and still do :)

Kevin Niestępski

I did everything in the video and I still don't have neckfx, weatherfx, chaser camera, etc. in csp why?




kn5 kıtıleme graogmı alcam kral


I want a locker

Marc Segura

Vr user's could we enjoy local reflections or any extra fx feature in 2024?

Dave Thompson

YOU... ARE... APPRECIATED... Just wanted to make that clear. THANK YOU!

Zip Zap

Physically based rendering; when a material has that technology, light interacts with it in a physically accurate, life-like way. It improves photorealism and it's a step closer to true ray-tracing.

Admiral Carstairs

Thanks for this video, it showed me how to finally get RAIN in AC with SOL! It turns out that I both had an old version of CM and had a few other settings mis-set. Thanks again!

DaweTV CZ (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 18:56:58 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it
2024-01-15 16:53:23 My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it

My problem is that my card is rejected when paying for the full version of CM and I don't know how to fix it

peter mcmullan

Anyone else get a crash on exit after race online. Seems ok after single player session? many thanks in advance


i have an issue, whenever i start a race with ai, on some tracks the ai move a few meters, then stop and honk. seems to happen on tracks with grid slots closer to others. doesnt happen with 2.2p1 only 2.3p1

Sun Kin

i used to get that a few patches ago, every MP race resulted in crash on exit, after a time it just stopped happening, it didn't affect gameplay though so i said nothing


My brother can you add a force windscreen wipers feature for the replays please?

Gareth Howells

Hi Ilja - I've been meaning to ask - when using the OBS plugin and using, for example, track cam view, it only shows around 5-6 cars and others in the distance can't be seen besides their shadows. Is there a CSP setting I can change or is this perhaps a limitation of the OBS plugin currently? Thanks

peter mcmullan

Totally agree does not affect game in any way just messes up the replays or lack of them. was wondering is it certain tracks or cars.? Error: Error might have something to do with: [size=10][mono] 00007FFB321F34F6 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWaitOnAddress 00007FFB321BFCB4 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlEnterCriticalSection 00007FFB321BFAE2 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlEnterCriticalSection 00007FFB0F36081B (DINPUT8): (filename not available): GetdfDIJoystick AC\inputdevice.cpp (127): InputDevice::setG27Leds AC\car.cpp (1666): Car::pollControls AC\car.cpp (414): Car::step AC\physicsengine.cpp (218): PhysicsEngine::step AC\physicsdrivethread.cpp (246): PhysicsDriveThread::run 00007FFAC49FD03C (MSVCP120): (filename not available): std::_Pad::_Release 00007FFAC4844F6B (MSVCR120): (filename not available): beginthreadex 00007FFAC4845098 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): endthreadex 00007FFB30C47344 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk 00007FFB321E26B1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart[/mono][/size]

Fitzroy Motor

ilja - just curious, are we ever going to get an AI fix for race starts where the Ai just nail it off the line like real-life racers? It would be great to avoid the entire grid stuttering and moving off very slowly... not sure how realistic this is. Also I know fuel strategies for endurance races have always been a bone of contention and difficult to deal with but that is another request.... :)

Rivah tiana

How to remove the snow?


whens the next update for csp?

Bastien Tortora

Hello, where can I find PBR material ?

Jeno Galatz

anybody has some huge stutters of 5 sec long after a while , and then is permanent in every lap at least once fore 4-5 sec , its like 3-4 weeks ago i noticed . when i start to ply its ok for a race than it starts to stutter in every lap at least 1-2 times. i dont know if it is a pure or csp bug or else but the csp and pure was updated since.


nope, and if that doesnt work try to delete documents assetto corsa folder then verify again. tried that with stuttering a while back and it worked. think that might delete some important stuff so make sure to go thru the files to make sure that theres nothing that important that youre deleting

Lucian Pop

Can't wait to see them in-game ! Amazing :D


we are getting out of 2012 with this one


looks great. but any idea why my traffic has gone crazy? This dwrite.dll makes traffic always crashing or not moving. Maybe i did sth wrong?


hello, is there some kind of Readme for CSP that actually explains what all the hundreds of options are and what they are meant to do? this would really help.

Phil Winstanley

Hi. Iget black cockpit screens with this. I delete it and its fine again. Only on some cars

Steffen Boesel

the community is big and friendly just join a discord like SRP, ACP, or any other, there are almost all helpfully, have great mods and ppl you can ask about thinks and you will learn like everyone of us.... its allways goin on we are all change oure settings nearly dayli to make it a bit better or to fix something.....just go on its the best sim ever

Ken Hallig

I have a question about CSP and Assetto Corsa as a whole. Does it support the new AMD FMF (Fluid Motion Frames) 3? I've been playing AC for nearly a year, but I've mostly played it at 60fps cause I drive with a TV. Now that I've heard of the AMD FMF I tried opening AC on my monitor without the FPS capped and I get around 100 frames, but in the past when I tried this I've only got up to 90 but really inconsistent. Is this the new update to AMD cards or just optimisations due to constant CSP updates?


我的FOV變得超廣角 完全不可調整視野 是什麼錯誤了嗎?

Jeno Galatz

if i moved back the csp with couple of build older the stutter gone at all . so it must be something with , of course now wit old csp i have black sky in pure but there is no stutter !


No because Assetto Corsa doesn't have FSR 2.2. Otherwise FSR 3 mods would've been able to do it

Duff Man

AFMF will work if enabled in any dx11-dx12 game, regardless of FSR implementation. It will increase input latency however.


I've been having a similar issue since an older build of CSP. Unfortunately I think it might be system specific, because I never get any replies when asking around if anyone has a solution. Also nice profile image

Piotr Lewandowski

Please fix this - https://discord.com/channels/453595061788344330/1166098458143359096/threads/1188193509774204938

Jeno Galatz

Huh.Finding Stable/Unstable csp-s!!! So i tried the rollback Csp from version v0.1.80-preview346-full and was working without any stutters. Pure was broken with black sky because obsolote csp ,but that wont bothered me anyway. So i started to install newer csps , i tried v0.1.80-preview442-full and was smooth without any stutters ,of course black sky ,then tried v0.2.1-preview2-full , and the Pure sky comes back to normal and the game was running smooth without stutters after couple of races. Then i tried to install v0.2.2-preview1-full , the one prior the actual newest csp and BOOM , after a couple of laps like 7-8 started to gradually start stuttering in every lap in the same part of track. First started with small stutters and after 2-3 laps was stuttering badly so you cannot drive until you left that part of track or spent that 5-6 sec . Strange that gradually getting worser and worser. and 5-6 sec in every lap in the same spot of track. Its happening with oother car other track combo.So the final two CSP is broken somehow for me. I have checked for disk space , reduced replay buffer , but why with prior csp is working well ? I noticed that in those last 2 csp which making stuttering my porsche cayman gt4 has no exhaust backfire ,which it was in prior csp, i saw in online race on other driver cars, so its not making exhaust fire as i saw, could be a bug too probably .

Jeno Galatz

I write here to as i was using in a reply ...Huh.Finding Stable/Unstable csp-s!!! So i tried the rollback Csp from version v0.1.80-preview346-full and was working without any stutters. Pure was broken with black sky because obsolote csp ,but that wont bothered me anyway. So i started to install newer csps , i tried v0.1.80-preview442-full and was smooth without any stutters ,of course black sky ,then tried v0.2.1-preview2-full , and the Pure sky comes back to normal and the game was running smooth without stutters after couple of races. Then i tried to install v0.2.2-preview1-full , the one prior the actual newest csp and BOOM , after a couple of laps like 7-8 started to gradually start stuttering in every lap in the same part of track. First started with small stutters and after 2-3 laps was stuttering badly so you cannot drive until you left that part of track or spent that 5-6 sec . Strange that gradually getting worser and worser. and 5-6 sec in every lap in the same spot of track. Its happening with oother car other track combo.So the final two CSP is broken somehow for me. I have checked for disk space , reduced replay buffer , but why with prior csp is working well ? I noticed that in those last 2 csp which making stuttering my porsche cayman gt4 has no exhaust backfire ,which it was in prior csp, i saw in online race on other driver cars, so its not making exhaust fire as i saw, could be a bug too probably .

James Delvechio

for some reason I dont have the "preview" version in available versions, yes I downloaded the paid one but no success.

Tezzo B

do i need full version of content creator to play no hesi online

Tezzo B

Need helpp

denny vdb

anybody has a solution for the CM stat links that don't work? they keep saying "invalid"

Jeno Galatz

yeah , strange . and there is my new test when i was to rename the extension folder to reset csp .So i renamed my extension as described , and i installed the latest Csp . so all csp settings where resetted to default , i started recently a race at redbull with cayman porsche , so it was that the first qualify and the 7lap race seemed to be ok, then after the second qualify on the race started to stutter aprox in 15th lap of my join and after 2 more laps the stutter was so huge that i had to quit. it was once in every lap for 5-6 sec , usualy in the same spot of track where first encounter , but this time i saw that was changing place a bit sometimes.If i rejoin the server its ok for about 15 laps again then it starts to stutter.it doesnt matter the server and the number of drivers as i was using several servers to test and today on redbull was less drivers.SO LAST TWO csp making me stutters .

Lucian Pop

VR quality is worse than 0.2.2 not sure why but theres a lot of shimmering


neck fx doesnt work

Greezy Weezy

frames are off, seems lower in VR. Running quest 2, 3080,5800x. performance has dropped on the same tracks and cars i always play with same layout.


Wet surfaces still look green for me no matter how many times I reinstalled CSP (I've tried downgrading to older version but this still happens). Any ideas about how to solve this?


when i start a race its an infinite formation lap


I have the same problem. When I enable rain, the roads turn green?


When it rains, the roads become green. How do we solve it?


There is no such box in my content manager. Can you help me with the rainfx settings?


When I share CSP settings I'm getting Invalid ID on the acstuff.ru?

arman sayson

how do i get a full version key for CM


Anyone having a distorted view in VR -> Disable Motion Smoothing, this fixed most all my the Visual Bugs for me. Launch SteamVR -> Settings -> Video -> Motion Smoothing


My preview isnt showing at all


same, i dont have the "preview" version like urs in the vid


How do you get the wipers on the car to activate? i cant see anything with the rain lol


Yes! Finally some more news on PBR! My biggest gripe with Assetto Corsa is how flat the ambient lighting is. Even when a track as proper VAO the shadowed areas still look flat. This is due to the lack of bounced lighting which is far more pronounced in shadowed areas in real life. Having the road material becoming almost slightly reflective under ambient light will come a long way. Perhaps, even just reflecting the skybox will look good. Look at how road surfaces look in Gran Turismo 7 in shadow or overcast weather.


racing line debug is off :( but not changed.


Great!!!! Great!!!! Great!!!! Many thanks!!!

Jan Ernst D

why are some modded cars have blue crystal skins? encrypted? or error? how to fix?

Martin Hardi

Is there a guide for Molders hot to use all features? Especially, I am asking for the update feature of content manager for Modes. What I have to do, that CM checks for my mod on my webspace? I know for some mods I get a notification in CM when a new version is available. How to implement this in my mod?

Davide De Rosa

Hi, I'm having lot of fun with rainFX when I drive closed cockpit cars, but when I drive open wheel cars, I can't see rain on my helmet. I'm playing using a VR Quest 3, it should be more immersive if I could see rain on my helmet.

Lucian Pop

Give VR some love with some more tweaks. Would be awesome !

Jalil Atout

Great update, I just have a problem with the either the NeckFX glancing or direction alignment forcefully limiting my trackIR movement any speed above 0, it also seems to invert the roll axis for some reason.

Greg Teal

We need better VR please I really would love and so would alot of people

Algir2liz Nwm

we need more pixels vr :D and sofft to use it :D I think more ppl just have to w8 next gen vr sets ;)

Daniel Rubarth

hey everybody. seems that the Pure or the CSP Update is responsible for my VR Performance drop. anyone else have same issues? RTX 4090 and Varjo Aero User

Max S

Also aero and 4090, all good at 39ppd - ease up on aa, I run 2x

Daniel Rubarth

Really 39ppd and 90 fps ? What are your settings, which ppfilter are you using. OpenXR or SteamVR? Thanks for some Infos

Nathan Trujillo

Hi I need a really good help for the sparks Particle_fx ini. I saw two other sparks files also but have not worked with them only the particle file which works but not increasing the sparks. Thanx

JU Racing

Hello Ilja, just wanted to thank you very much for making AC what it is today. I would like to make two suggestions for improvement of the content-manager. Two switches I often use...maybe they could be in the drive-menu some time later and not hidden in the other settings. Switching from VR to single screen with one click on the front page and also the switch from H-Pattern to paddles and back. Would it even be possible to use paddles and H-shifter at the same time, so no switching would be nessecary? Again thank you very much for the best sim-experience ever!

Herr Löblich

hey man, does walking out mode not work anymore?

Endre Sinkovics

Hi, Just wanted to thank you for your work when it comes to this SIM. Just took a couple laps of practice on Suzuka. Turns out it was heavy rain there at the time. The rain drops, the puddles, how water interacts with some of the scaffolding above the track.. It's all incredible. Even the extended physics works like a charm - how the car interacts with the puddles of water feels very satisfying. Just ended up circling on wet Suzuka for half an hour in a BMW M4 enjoying it all. So thanks again!

mir com

Solucionado. Para evitar que el asfalto se vea verde, hay que desactivar el Debuge Mode, del Racing Line Dev, del Rain FX. Pero en el Rain Fx de mi versión de CSP no aparecia el Debuge Mode, asique miré en otra versión de CSP mas antigua, y lo metí a mano. En Assetto corsa/ extensión / config/ rain_fx.ini, en el bloque [RACING_LINE_DEV] tuve que meter esta nueva línea: DEBUG_MODE=0 ; Debug mode (shows racing lane state in color); 1 or 0 Y entonces, En Content Manager/ opciones/ Custom Shaders Path/ Rain Fx/ racing line, ya aparece “Debug mode”, y hay que desactivarlo.

mir com

Solucionado. Para evitar que el asfalto se vea verde, hay que desactivar el Debuge Mode, del Racing Line Dev, del Rain FX. Pero en el Rain Fx de mi versión de CSP no aparecia el Debuge Mode, asique miré en otra versión de CSP mas antigua, y lo metí a mano. En Assetto corsa/ extensión / config/ rain_fx.ini, en el bloque [RACING_LINE_DEV] tuve que meter esta nueva línea: DEBUG_MODE=0 ; Debug mode (shows racing lane state in color); 1 or 0 Y entonces, En Content Manager/ opciones/ Custom Shaders Path/ Rain Fx/ racing line, ya aparece “Debug mode”, y hay que desactivarlo.

Robert Finnegan

Yes it does but you need to activate it now. Set the walkout mode to 1 like normally then in CM in single/QUICK where you see PRACTICE HOTLAP RACE TRACKDAY ........................and under DRAG RACE is a drop down and you will see WALKING OUT. It took me ages to work this out. I had actually given up and found it by accident. Hope that helps?

gabriel garcia

What if my roads aint looking wet nor reflectin anything?


Uuuuh i never watched before... now i think i made a bad mistake: i've the "WET MOD" that it seems to be not required to have a perfectly working rain! And maybe it's the reason for a bug i have: extended physics and rain tyres not working in all my custom championship. I have to try uninstalling WET MOD... maybe the issue disappear! I really hope this!

Ralo Danko

Im not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to all this lol. i have pure but when i use csp 1.79 or 0.22 it dosent work what i belive is its csp 1.80 i need for pure how do i get this because my game is half broken right now , thanks for any help

Taillandier Jp

hello dear freinds, i have a lot of problems with my t 818 with the last update; is a fix possible ?


Time for a new release ;)

Lucian Pop

Time for some VR love the last one was bad for VR had shimmers and lower quality that 0.2.2


Decided to buy this when my dad said this game looked "simplistic" i can no longer decide whats real and whats fake

Motorsport Virtual Reality

Hey..my Track and walls are green with rain turned on.? if i turn puddles debug of its fine..Can i somehow turn puddles on?


Just me? or is the multiplayer chat broken? It works but none of the settings can be changed. I generally like it on all of the time but it defaults to fade away and I can't seem to change that. Thx.


i get black lagging circles in replay mode for some reason if i had been playing with rain

Lucian Pop

I watched this guide so many times that I can do it with my monitor off ... come on new udpate something ? VR ?

Felipe Rojaz

We need V0.2.4 preview 😅

Luca Sandulescu

where i find the csp folder thing?

Lucian Pop

we need a stable build with VR improvements :D like 0.2.3 or 0.2.2 but tested and final / stable


simplygon is now not possible to download the free version into the content of the manager that is now planned instead of him or how to create lod s now?

Lucian Pop

VR is the only way ... Quest 3 with Pancake lenses makes Assetto Corsa look incredible ! I can't wait for Assetto Corsa 2 this year !

Leon Fong 2046

I turn on the rain fx everything gonna be alright only the floor has turned green how to fix it??


setting/ csp/rainfx/ turn off racing line debug

Leon Fong 2046

YES can fix the problem but I need to start the game and open the CSP Debug to turn it off, i can't find it in the setting/ CSP/rain fx/ turn off racing line debug button. so I need to do all the steps when tuning to rain. is it the wrong versions?

Pie Leu

Unfortunately, since the new patch, there have been problems when a car goes back into the box, it can no longer be driven out despite the function being switched on. There were no problems before.. ks_nordschleife route

Arthur Ouvrard

For a while now I've been having an issue with custom championships. No matter what I do, if I close the game the AI strength reverts to 100%. Something similar is going on with the control settings, the 'delay race terminating commands by half a second' gets deselected every. Almost like some settings aren't being saved/loaded properly. Any ideas anyone?


how can i make the rain changes the physics in the game? I would like to make a more realistic rain, where the car slips

Callum McGurk

I’m currently having significant flickering with shadows, particularly on driver gloves (for example ND MX5 Cup), and other car’s shadows, particularly in the distance. The shadows seem to flicker at a rate similar to half the screen refresh rate. I have tried enabling/disabling dynamic shadows, Smart Shadows is set to its default settings, and shadows still flicker with shadow resolution at 8k.

josé ramón

buen video, gracias por tu trabajo

Jason Schofield

content manager is not showing the 0.2.3 preview. Any help?


click on this https://acstuff.ru/s/CsAtbM023I1b2745

Samuel Nascimento

i am downloading it too slow, idk why.

Jeno Galatz

btw. its awesome the whole rain thing with pure also, but im the only one whom felt that the rain tyre physics is way slippery than it should ?!. Even the wet tyre cannot turn and accelerate with most cars. and i have an experience to say that its more grip has in real then with extended physics. i have other friends whos first tought was the same .othervise it would be a must thing in assetto

Jeno Galatz

so i realy hope that rain track\tyre physics will be adjusted and we will see more servers with mixed dynamic weather. (im curious when we will see the snow physics and graphics ;)

Lucian Pop

nothing new around the corner ?


Now that Simplygon terminates free license, would there be new tools for generating LODs in CM?

Jeremy Arntz

I had similar issues and it had to do with temporal anti aliasing i believe which is under "Settings", CSP", "extra FX". Try turning that off and see if the problem goes away

Tony W

Anyone know where the rain settings difficulty is located? Its impossible to drive in the rain. Thanks :)

Gord Sankovic (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 05:14:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t9u4eF4ruU
2024-03-28 17:26:26 Here is link for rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t9u4eF4ruU

Here is link for rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t9u4eF4ruU

Wyllian Charneski

brow, how i get the link for download the RainFX? Thks

Lucian Pop

no more updates to this project ? I'm really curious about seeing some new stuff :)


if you havent got it yet its under the lights patch download

Jeno Galatz

Ilja , dou you plan to block more better the cheaters from Csp side ? it looks like thay are starting to build in a lot of numbers. And those looks good drivers and use hardly noticable cheats, much more in grip/gravity. i had many time a feeling that some people are done too easyly totally consistent alien laps , but a couple of days ago i encounter another unbelievable laptime ,i started to watch the replay where i found weird glitch in physics and only on thea guy car behaviour .i know that maybe some people tell me why i complain on this or i suppose to start to cheat too, but thats not the option as it would look like when you wife cheats you and you ask her about , she tells you to cheat also :D

Adrian Kernen

With CSP 0.2.3-preview AC crashes after races, no matter if quick race or in a user championship race. It happens randomly. someone have the same issues or probably someone have a fix for that?

Это Я

To fix this problem, I think only the developer of this patch will be able to do it, we just have to wait

Lucian Pop

Kunos should try better. It's not x4fab's job mate ... you are really asking for something that should have be done in the begining by Kunos themselfs... lets hope AC 2 will be better. Until then this is the best thing that has happened to AC. Can't wait to see the next update !!!

Daniel Rubarth

Hey Ilja, are you still alive ? A bit more communication for YOUR supporters would be much appreciated

Jeno Galatz

i you sure about your point ?, read about then you know what i was referring . first time i was tought the same until i dived a bit deeper ...

Tay Givenchy

no kap i need help rn

Tay Givenchy

actually i ma needa feqw updates for free

Jeno Galatz

it would be a realy nice imersion if csp implement somehow own car skin loading at online server login ! similar how it was in live for speed at that time

Jeno Galatz

and can sync between sessions at waiting time :)


Yo i just paid a dollar for this to not even work lol

Max Rod

salut ca marche en online ?

uzuno (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-05-02 05:17:34 it's working ur just stupid
2024-04-20 20:51:17 it's working ur just stupid

it's working ur just stupid

Ale Arg

la mejor inversion de calidad que hice en un juego y solo me a costado 1 dolar gracias 😊

Aintgot Nophd

I'm having problems with performance in the rain only when close to other cars, like bumper to bumper close in vr. i'm on an i5 13600k and RTX 3080, 32GB ddr5. It seems like some effect in the rain fx that affects other cars is causing it, cause when i disable rain fx or drive in the dry with it still enabled there is no drop in fps what so ever. I've tried so many things to fix it, but nothing has any effect other than disabling rainfx, does anyone have any advice or clue as to why this is happening? would it be possible to release a version of rain fx with whatever effects on other cars are so performance demanding either toggleable or toned down?

Aintgot Nophd (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 03:26:41 nop, has no effect
2024-05-06 19:54:44 nop, has no effect. FPS capped at 72 in vr, and whether extra fx are on or off, i hit that cap and stay there, but turn on rain fx and go close to another car, whether extra fx is on or not, i dips to 50, 40 or even 35

nop, has no effect. FPS capped at 72 in vr, and whether extra fx are on or off, i hit that cap and stay there, but turn on rain fx and go close to another car, whether extra fx is on or not, i dips to 50, 40 or even 35


Works Awesome!

Moman Khan

after installing this version I get black screen after loading everything works but no main screen. rear view mirror is fine, all menu are fine but main screen is black. I have pure installed before this if that matters.

TG Network

how can we remove this mod, if needed?

TG Network

is it posisble from content manager? or need to remove it manually.


anyone know how to fix black screen when I load in tried to disable LCS and still running into the same problem if I downgrade to an old version of csp my game works fine

Tuğra Aslan

makes my game black af

Jorge Cedres

Buenas. alguien sabe porque el coche queda en cambio maual y no cambia a automatico? juego en facil por eso

Merlijn Toussaint

Recently I found out that I can see the rear lights of riders in front of me much worse than others. Only when I am about 2 metres away do I see their lights clearly. Generally, I also see no difference when their brake lights come on. I have already been in contact with Peter Boese and checked with him whether it was due to Pure, but it turned out not to be. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing it?

Maximilian Hartstock

Ilja, can u please create chatrooms like Peter Boese? There people can share problems / solutions and also simple things like screenshots / settings etc. That would really help the community. Sometimes Peter boese answers there, so its better visible for all people. With kind regards, Max from Satori Automotive.

Maximilian Hartstock

im not sure if this related, but it feels like some rear lights are much more dark now after the update. But i still have to make tests. So in ur case, the nearest "oponnent" has really dark rear lights, but the others are normal brightness?

david ormsby

Hey guys, sorry if this has been asked already, or if this is the right place to ask, but I am having problems my lightning. The problem is I don't have any lol. When I select "heavy thunder storm" I get heavy clouds and rain, and some distant rumbling, but no massive flashes and booms like I have had before. I experienced this a few years ago, and after a complete OS and CM reinstall the issue was fixed. Does anyone know what causes the randomness or triggers the lightning, or has a known solution to this problem? I don't fancy another OS install especially if it is only going to be a temporary fix again. Cheers guys


There's a Discord for CSP anyway, and unless the creator answers directly (like Peter does), there's really no difference if the user to user chat is hosted on Patreon or on Discord or anwhere else.


If you want visible lightning you need a recent version of Pure.

david ormsby

Thanks for the reply, but I had lightning before I discovered PURE. I am currently using Pure_0.238 Highres


Then you won't get any lightning because the oldest version of Pure which supports lightning shaders is 0.254. Alternatively I *think* the default weather script has lightning shaders but I'm not sure that is the case and how to tweak the parameters to increase the odds of lightning or if that is even possible. I would not exchange the Pure weather script with the default one anyway. If you're into this kind of stuff updating Pure is well worth it.

david ormsby

Thanks again, but like I said, I had working lightning with only CSP preview and SOL weather (Pure not installed). That was until it stopped working lol. So I reinstalled Windows, CM, CSP and SOL and it was working great again for a few months, then stopped again :( In the mean time I had installed pure but haven't had lightning since. I figured there must be a value somewhere buried deep in a folder or location which may be corrupt on my system IDK? I just downloaded and installed Pure 0.271 and reinstalled CSP Preview for testing, and after sitting on track for 9 and a half minutes with heavy thunder selected running pure, I got 4 lightning flashes worth noting, of which 2 were not great but OK, and 2 were pretty lame. I'm not sure if this is normal for heavy thunder with pure? I was previously getting multiple full screen strobing flashes and booms every minute with the SOL weather script.


Lightning is brought by the weather script. The weather script can either be Default (part of CSP), Sol (by now obsolete) or Pure. The oldest version of Pure which supports lightning is 0.254 so no wonder you stopped having lightning when you switched from Sol (which had lightning) to Pure pre-0.254. If you have installed CSP and Pure correctly, what you are seeing is what you are supposed to see; Pure config can probably be leveraged to tweak the amount of lightning. Further help will be available on Pure's support channels. I hope this clarifies.

david ormsby

Sorry for the questions lol, I really do appreciate your time. I stopped getting lightning while only using SOL, long before switching to pure. It worked on SOL for a few months then randomly stopped and didnt work again for months until i did a reinstall, then the same thing happened again. no weather script was changed from SOL. Now with pure, I found a "likelihood of lightning multiplier" slider in the pure settings. I set it to max and proceeded to drive a 10 minute lap where I didn't get ANY lightning strikes or glow, or any thunder at all, just heavy rain. Im confident that something is definitely wrong with my setup at this point. Where would i find "pure's support channels"? On Peters patreon?


Peter's Patreon and Peter's Discord (which requires a procedure to link the Patreon account to Discord to gain access to the help channel)

Oguz Kaan Cevahir

hello fab can you help me i did every step but rain effect still not working

Austin Fennell

Puddles are still broken and make the ground neon green. -Edit found fix you open csp debug menu in game and turn the racing line debug on and off still super annoying you have to do this every time you launch with rain.


What worked for me was uninstalling the CSP Preview version and then reinstalling from Content Manager, but dragging and dropping the zip file, without extracting it first. Hope this helps.


See my above response. I hope this helps you out.


rainFX stopped working, understandable if you dont have the capacity to fix it but just thought i'd let you know. cheers mate


The problem is on your side, mate. Go to the CSP DIscord and seek for help.

amg team

Hello, I downloaded your new version of your csp and I have a problem with the free camera and also with the applications menu that appears on the right of the screen, in the replay I cannot use the free camera nor can I see the applications in the version that I have. I had 0.2.3 preview 1 it worked fine but with this one I have this problem

Einar Bjørnen

Enybody here knows why some of the ai cars are on wet tyres in a dry, and sunny track? I have to restart the race many times to have every car on soft, medium or hard. Looks like there are some random selections here.

HDMidz 1000

You can change preffered tires for AI cars in settings, just delete wet tires option. You can edit new_behaviour.ini file in config. Let me know if that helps.

Einar Bjørnen

Sorry, but I can not find any text in that file who has someting to do with wet tires. Can you guide me to where I can find the right settings?

킹 포



Hi, do you play AC in VR? I'm looking for a good filter for night time VR and day time as well


My problem is as follows: regardless of the version of CSP, whether it's preview or the most recommended, whenever I enable in settings > assetto corsa > video > 'post-processing effects' after starting a race or in the benchmark itself, the screens start flickering black. I've done countless tests, toggling effects on and off, limiting FPS, enabling synchronization, adjusting graphics settings up or down. Basically, if I enable this option, the problem occurs; if I leave it disabled, I have no issues, but I don't get such nice graphics using the filters. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it. SETUP RTX 4090 R9 5900X 32GB DDR5 3x OLED LG 55"


Hello X4FAB, is there any way I can contact you? I really need your help, I am a Developer for Assetto Corsa Car Data. i will really appreciate your help . Thank yuo

Alex suart

the so weather app does not appear in the desktop app in asseto corsa can anyone please help me

Oceaneer Meneer

Does any1 know how to get the water spray back ? somehow i dont have it and cant figure out how to turn it on

chavy chavy

Con la última actualización la lluvia no aparece Ninel efecto mojado del asalto.

chavy chavy

Alguien me puede ayudar??

Ray C

Can anyone confirm if Post Processing anti-aliasing in the Graphic Adjustments section works in VR ? I can't seem to find anything that confirms if it does or not.


Hi Ilja. First of all, Thank you for you're tireless support of this project. Now on to business... Now that the AMD FidelityFX 3.1 sdk is available on 'OpenGPU', would you consider updating the FidelityFX support contained within 'Content Manager'? Since your original inclusion of this technology, it has advanced massively, now being able to hold its own against Nvidias proprietary DLSS tech. Any input from you regarding this would be very much appreciated by myself & the community as a whole.

Alex Spin

Hi!, yes it works, best settings are "MSAA tweaks" .. "Use custom MSAA resolve" ON ... "Use custom kernel" not need it, it gets blurry. Post-Processing antialiasing Mode: FXAA 3.11 Quality: Ultra ... Use green for luminocity OFF ... Edge threshold: 1% ... Edge threshold min: 1% ... Less dither ON ... Blurry/sharp: 0% ... Use FidelityFX CAS: OFF. IMPORTANT: Use all that extra AA tweaks ONLY if you are at 1.5x upsamplig (3312 vertical res) or less ... if you are at 1.75x (3840 vertical res) or above, you don't need anything of this ... so, in that case put MSAA tweaks: Use custom MSAA resolve: OFF and Post-Processing MODE: DISABLED. At high upsamplig there is no need of that extra AA, just the normal MSAA 4x at the Video settings it's enought, if you use that additional at high upsamplig it just get blurry, without it it's just perfect clean sharp.

Ray C

Thank you , I am using a Reverb G2 , I think my vertical resolution is les than 3312 (with OpenComposite instead of SteamVR). I think I would be able to use what you suggested MSAA tweaks.... Use custom MSAA resolve" ON Use custom kernel" not need it, it gets blurry. Post-Processing antialiasing Mode: FXAA 3.11 Quality: Ultra Use green for luminosity OFF . Edge threshold: 1% . Edge threshold min: 1% . Less dither ON Blurry/sharp: 0% ... Use FidelityFX CAS: OFF.

Alex Spin

Ok for you use at least 1.25x upsampling (2700 vertical) or 1.5x (3240) ... Of course if your GPU can do it 😉. And just as a TIP ... A few days ago I've stoped using OpenXR (same that opencomposite use) .. I discovered that with the latest SteamVR updates, now it render better image quality, and it's more fluid/smooth, less fps jumps, more stable, no hangups sometimes when you start the game, etc. In case you wanna try it. And you could turn on the NVidia VRS, in case you want some FOVATED render, it really help at high upsamplig res, at MODE TWEAKS : VR ... Single pass stereo: ACTIVE ... NVIDIA VRS : ON ... VRS preset Custom ... VRS rate CUSTOM ... VRS Detailed area: NARROW or Balanced, depending on your GPU

Ray C

Thanks , I might try going back to steam vr again.... "Ok for you use at least 1.25x upsampling (2700 vertical) or 1.5x (3240)" with a G2 using opencomposite , I would set 1.25 upsampling in the OpenXr toolkit ? I don't remember seing a place to do that in Content Manager

Alex Spin

Nop, when you open the menu inside the game with the shortcut that you set on OpenXr Tool kit ... go to the tab where you overwrite the Render Resolution you change it to YES and select there the vertical value directly (remember to restart the game to apply the changes), in that way you are doing the upsampling to 1.25x means that you put 2700 pixels vertical that it's 1.25x of the ReverbG2 vertical res of 2160. And when you use just SteamVR then you use the sliders to setup the upsampling on the VIDEO setting of SteamVR, or you can go to program files/steamvr/config/steamvesettings and put the value in there directly

Ray C

Ahh yes , I know what you are talking about , thanks!

Ray C

One more quick question , what about ExtraFx , does that work in VR ?

Alex Spin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-10 19:26:00 Nop, sadly, none of the ExtraFX are working in VR as you can read in the description of ExtraFX in CM ... If we only can get Local Reflections someday will be amazing, to see the reflections of the cars over wet roads in VR.
2024-07-10 19:23:42 Nop, sadly, none of the ExtraFX are working in VR as you can read in the description of ExtraFX in CM ... If we only can get Local Reflections someday could be amazing, to see the reflections of the cars over wet roads in VR.

Nop, sadly, none of the ExtraFX are working in VR as you can read in the description of ExtraFX in CM ... If we only can get Local Reflections someday could be amazing, to see the reflections of the cars over wet roads in VR.

Ray C

I thought not, but my eyes sometimes play tricks on me lol


I played a lot with settings in VR, ended up getting best frames and visuals using SMAA alongside MSAA x4 in the graphic settings, and leave VRS msaa to 0.


never mind😅 making LODs manually in Blender seems extremely easy

frami cordero

please not work youtube in the car is posible new fixes please


what happens if you accedntily dont click the rain hint