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While the previous update had quite a few fixes, unfortunately with all the new features it also introduced a bunch of new bugs, so this time I tried my best to stop myself from getting distracted and focus primarily on fixing things. Let’s see if it has made a difference, but I’m hoping CSP should be noticeably more reliable now. Of course, I couldn’t go for so long without a little break here and there, so there are still a couple of new things, but they’re entirely optional, most of them disabled by default, and as such shouldn’t bring any unforeseen complications. Here are just a few, check out the detailed changelog if you want to see the full list:

• BC7 compression: fix textures using obsolete suboptimal formats and compress cached textures for new trees and clouds to improve loading speed, VRAM consumption and in-game performance in exchange for a bit of disk space. Both options are disabled by default, but can be enabled in GPU optimizations in general settings to trade some disk space for better performance. Since BC7 compression is a bit of a lengthy process, CSP does it in background while you’re driving around, so you won’t see any impact on first launch, but subsequent launches might run better.

• Audio update: a tweak in audio settings changes the way reverb in AC works, adding reverb to something like collision events, and a tiny bit of reverb to interior audio. Walls occluding audio emitters also got a major update, in that they’re working now, can be configured properly (CSP distinguishes between a visual and an audio occluding wall), much better configurable and also add a bit of reverb for occluded audio, massively boosting occlusion perception. Tracks can also add a bit of reverb for distant audio, and for audio in reverb areas (even if the camera is not in a reverb area), all configurable per track (with some defaults set for Kunos tracks only to be safe).

• Better support for cars without LODs: two new options in Graphics Adjustments allow to limit maximum number of first LODs active at once for LODless cars and to add an extra LOD for all cars (shifting range for the first LOD for LODless cars to 200 m). Extra LOD uses a collider model for the shape, which might not work all that well in some cases, but it might still be preferable than losing all the performance.

• Taskbar update: thanks to all the feedback I realized the new taskbar might not have been all that great, so now you can activate a streamlined mode for it in its settings, accessing the main list of apps directly without all that pinning. There is also a new compact mode, and a few more features like collapsing categories. Oh, and I renamed the onboard settings app back, that was a bad idea to rename it in the first place.

But the main thing is, of course, all the fixes. There are many dozens of them, but just to name a few, smoke won’t disappear when car stops anymore, piece particles should function correctly, taskbar no longer goes insane, launching newly installed tracks first time won’t result in a crash, CSP Debug app allows to drag car again, replays and AI spline records save properly on exit, controller integration for moving mouse works once again in pause menu and so on.

Sorry for the lack of intermediate previews this run, and lack of any exciting new features. This should change soon, I can't wait to start working on some new features. Thank you for your outstanding support!

Quick install link
• Full changelog 




Hi, thanks for your work. For me, since the last update, I can't run a race, the game crashed. I've got some error like this : Audio log (AudioEngine.cpp:1198): Loading bank ..... \Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\lua\fireworks\holidays\extra_fireworks.bank ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFB066D91F7) 00007FFB066D91F7 (DWrite): (filename not available): DWriteCreateFactory . is it possible to fix this ? Thanks

Arron Mitchell

Try unchecking fireworks under Settings, Partical FX, Fireworks. This might help you I have not seen this error myself. I tend to reinstall Assetto fresh start time to time perhaps a file is corrupted?


i crash every time ever since installing this patch, please lmk a fix.


Hello, its been years and I can't seem to find an answer to this. Every time I try load online servers, it completely slows down the internet connection of every other device connected to the wifi. More importantly, I always get the "Can’t load any information: server did not respond in given time." when I click on servers, even the ones i frequent. A lot of servers dont even show up on my server list, even if they're low ping. I have to manually search for them, and Ill see a "?" where ping should be displayed. I need to refresh 10 to 15 times hoping that the server will finally load (sometimes it never does)


Every Patch is more worse related to the many bugs... not working correkt in VR! My HUD is now way to big.


Same as above. After latest update vr hud has many issues. Hesi Ui is very large and scale slider had no affect. Other ui apps like the track map and d tacmeter are now static and cannot be moved. Some cars rear view mirror now pointing upward and unusable.


hello yall i got the newest version of csp, pure, and and now got this but im unbable to see rain FX under my csp settings, any clue why?


Hallo! I've been having a strange problem recently. I play in VR on an Oculus Quest 3 and since installing a Radeon 7900 XTX my frames are locked to 45. It looks like the AWS function with 45 FPS, but this option is switched off via the Oculus Debug Tool. I've tried everything but AC limits the FPS straight to 45 and my graphics card runs at 60-75%, so there's still room for improvement. I previously had a Radeon 6950 XT and no problems. The problem occurred immediately after converting from the RX 6950 XT to the RX 7900 XTX, without changing anything. I've really tried everything except reinstalling. I also noticed that I can't activate the "Use AWS 2.0" function in the CSP. Is that normal? Does anyone have an idea what this could be and how it can possibly be solved? Thx Christoph


Unrelated but which GR Yaris is that in the screenshot?


Hi. After instaling csp 0.2.2 my neckFX stopped working. My camera wouldn't move forwad or backwards when i was accelerating or braking. I had to einstal 0.2.1. Is there any way to fix this? (a common fix is setting rendering mode to singe screen but it doesn't do anything for me)


bro i had the same problem i fixed it go into shaders patch then neck fx then turn off "Replace original CSP behavior with a custom script" it is on by default, it should work cause it worked for me and btw you dont need to go on a older version of csp stay on the latest version.


i do not get the rain drops as the previous version, it has dissapeared

Roadside G

My light fx options have disappeared I have no way of adjusting my car lights now as I’ve stopped using sol how can I adjust lights now tia

Reece Knowles

i cant join no hesi online server with the pack on is there any way how to join and keep it activated

Einar Bjørnen

How can I make realistic sparks from a F1 car?

Johny Action

https://gyazo.com/215afd5ce1a5c20a1a72703e51dc9884 headlights are now outside the boundary of the FC

Quentis Gillispie

Any ideas why I'm getting track flickering during the day on mod tracks? Mostly only on the racing line. i5-10600K CPU @ 4.10GHz 32.0 GB Win 11 RTX 3090 Ti Nvidia Driver 552.12 Pure 0.254 CSP 0.2.3 preview211

jonathans swann

where is the download link or how do i get pure i paid for it this some bs