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For the final stretch we focused on fixing bugs, trying to get something more stable than usual. So, there aren’t too many new features, but there are still a few.

  • Windscreen reflections: a new still experimental feature of WindscreenFX adding live dynamic reflections for windscreens. The technique is somewhat unconventional, but it should produce reasonable results for most cars, and the rest can always be fixed with some configs. One drawback at the moment is that activating this effect completely removes windscreen dust and dirt (those dust textures already had dashboard baked in, so they don’t fit that well anymore), but that will be fixed soon with a new dynamic dust and dirt accumulation on windscreens.
  • Rain physics deceleration in puddles is more accurate now.
  • Servers now can enforce drivers to use the same rain physics configs, should finally allow to use rain in competitive scenarios properly.
  • New AgX tonemapping function: as others, available in post-processing filter editor, this one is one of the more interesting of functions available, it does a much better job at preserving hue for overly bright areas compared to most of other functions.
  • Track occlusion walls (previously used for rendering) now can also be used to occlude audio as well, also a pretty experimental thing.
  • Default WeatherFX style got a few updates for its optional post-processing, overcast weather and clouds, which should help with performance as well.

Settings were rearranged a bit as well, but more rearrangements will be done in the future to make things more user-friendly and usable. As for the fixes, there are a lot, most notable is the sound of blown tyres at the session start will be gone now. Single Pass Stereo should be compatible with refracting headlights and NeckFX helmet, shading of new trees, grass and smoke was fixed, AIs should act better in the rain and not drive to pits when it’s not necessary, a bunch of issues with disappearing geometry were fixed, and more (here is the full list).

With all that, I believe this build might finally be stable enough for the public release, but if not, 0.2.1 will be out soon to fix things we might have missed.

Thank you for all the support! Here is the new preview (as usual, the same as the public update, but with RainFX). And now it’s finally time to get back to adding more new features. 🥳

UPD: Sorry for the mess up with uploading wrong build, this one has rain.




I can't find aymore double precision physic oprion... I heard it could be now integrated, but I'm not sure, I have again the flickering of car parts on big tracks... It's not specific for this release, I thinh it was some releases ago...,


Well, brother, are you kidding us, why the hell don't you fix the android, the youtube doesn't work anymore, there is also a bug on the keyboard when I type the letter A and it deletes my whole word!


Looks Fabulous! Been away since pre 1.80, any issues regarding VR I should be aware of? Mostly running my Quest 2 at max res 5408x2736p @ 90Hz and AC in-game 2560x1440p, disabling MSAA and setting pp for even high level turns out to perform very well.


i don't have the RainFx option no more after the 0.2.


Upgrade 0.2 I can't use Traffc planner


Game crash on start for me I don't know if it's related to pure not compatible with this version . It's a fresh install of the game on fresh windows 11


I am getting this download blocked for a severe trojan- anyone else?


Personally, I still find that autopilot keeps taking over the driving after 2 laps then releases the car after 1 lap then controls the car after another lap etc..... very frustrating. If I go back to v 0.1.79 or v0.1.80 preview 428 the problem disappears

Elliot Faggetter

I am super confused... Installed this, And it has lowered me to 10 fps, no weather control, nothing :(


i have a wierd glitch some times my taskbar start to pop up repeatdly and cannot stop it any fix ??

Loppy Flick

How do you turn off the blur than now happens when you go fast in cockpit view.


unable to bind teleport to pits using my wheel buttons, all other binds work correctly. worked in all previous csp preview versions.


no visial rain did everything to fix it and its still not working and i cant teleport to pits but all other binds are working


Thanks for the update, there is some really cool stuff in there! However I did encounter a strange bug. I'm running the latest CSP Preview and Pure and have a weird bug with rain starting randomly mid-session. I usually use static (real) weather and when I check the planner mid-session, I does not show any rain either. I'm not sure if this is a CSP bug or a Pure bug (or both). Any help is appreciated if anyone knows how to solve this bug.

Miguel Angelo

why burnout smoke disapears when wheels stop? that is so bad :(




install manually not with Content Manager did the trick for me!


Buona sera c'è la possibilità di passare giorno e notte con sol? Tempo fa il tempo giorno e notte andava mentre adesso non si può più selezionare


i have no puddles..?


download not working for me... can post to other host? or add different links


Very very nice. The only thing I am having an issue with is I cant get it to stop raining no matter what I do.


If you have not already tried go into weather FX debug and make sure you have rain unchecked under rain debug

Alex Spin

Is There any hope to get cars reflections over wet roads in VR in the future? If that happen, AC will be officially the best looking graphics racing Game in VR ever! Thanks


"Check modifier buttons in other bindings" Haha finally! I asked you if you could implement this about 2 years ago and you said you would. Glad to see it finally made it in lol. This is huuuge! Thanks mate.


Why is "Use track occluders to occlude audio as well" enabled by default? This should be a thing we the track builders configure while setting the walls up ourselves, no? I have many spots on my track where the walls occlude objects and roads pretty close to the player where the sound should clearly be audible though. Like two straights next to each other with a building in between. Imagine the baku main straight but you can't see the other road. You should still be able to clearly hear the cars 10m away but it doesn't make sense rendering the objects. Am I missunderstanding something? Thanks.


Hey man i have little question can you make curved / ultrawilde settings to configure the angle for not have the fihs eye effect on the border


Hi Ilja, when i set the far plane value in Graphic Adjustments to beyond default e.g. 200000, my skybox starts flickering like mad. Happens on default pp as well as with pure. Will i have to decrease values until it doesn't happen anymore, or is there another way to fix that? Thanks in advance.


How can I make my High beams wider? and how can I ajust seat position in vr? some mods have broken positions, and we all have different heights+ different distance from seat to pedals and wheel. Im only 1.68m... in vr it feels like im about 1.8m which is really offputting.


why arent my neck fx working

Greg Polymerou

Amazing job as always. Since I am reading about the dynamic dust and dirt on the windscreen I am wondering if that will also take place for the rest of the car as well. There is nothing more satisfying than looking at your car after a few hours of racing, accumulating all the dust, dirt, rubber and smoke particles on the bodywork, revealing all the intensity the vehicle has gone through.

Greg Polymerou

Another feature I would like to suggest is the dynamic wear of mechanical parts. That can be stored as information in the car's data file and make the car require maintenance every so often. For example, the dynamic wear could modify the ini files making the suspension softer, dropping the engine performance, reducing the brake torque, etc, etc. I believe it will add an extra bond between the player and the vehicle


Please Ilja is it possible to implement sensitive and realistic damage? I've seen an example video on youtube but it seem only working on servers at the time, may be today it's possible on single player? For now cars are still solid like tanks. Sensitive damage similar to beam ng even most of it would be by code and handling not visual would add way more immersion to AC, it's the remaining thing that CSP is missing.

Joey Liefting

AFAIK Csp does have damage, most car mods just dont include in their ini files. I've got personal cars that crumple and deform on impact


Have no rain any more. I hear the rain drops but I don´t see them. This happens only in VR. When using a normal screen I don´t have this problem. What could this be? thanks


be sure to reinstall CSP (and Pure, if you use that) manually. for me, Content Manager often fails to install things properly and manually dragging and dropping files will fix those kinds of issues