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And another update took longer than I originally intended… Originally I wanted to make a bunch of quick fixes, but new bugs started to pop up, some new ideas I thought to try, and, well, here we are. This is a preview of the upcoming update, hopefully should be stable and ready for release (apart from RainFX part, that one still needs more work, although it’s getting there), but could you please give it a test?

Main change related to RainFX is that now dynamic conditions finally work online. Now CSP expects server plugin to broadcast condition updates (more options will be available later). For demonstration purposes new CM update (the one currently in preview branch) has a new CM-as-server-plugin option, showing extended race status, mirroring chat and optionally syncing server conditions with real conditions. Right now I’m working on documentation so that other server plugins could use dynamic conditions as well.

Another big change is fully reworked smoke/dust/spray particles. Initially I just wanted to fix a couple of issues, but after breaking performance as a result decided that it’s finally time to rewrite it properly. Old code was such a mess with small undocumented corrections here and there, any small change to pretty much anything was making things worse. For example, to calculate transparency of a particle, it was referencing its size about ten times in all sorts of strange ways. Change a bit how size works — and whatever that cocktail of corrections was meant to do, just wouldn’t work anymore. Thankfully that shouldn’t be the case with new system, now it’s much more straightforward and better documented, allowing to create a lot more. For example, now dirty wheels produce a bit of dust, dust and spray particles got smaller dirt and splash particle variants, colliding with walls would produce clouds of dust based on collider shape, smoke and dust accumulate and stay around for a few minutes, plus a screen-filling effect can help with performance for when camera ends up inside a smoke cloud. Coming soon: localized fog and that rain haze effect (I’m still thinking about the best way to implement them, but whole system definitely allows it now).

Other possibly interesting new feature is custom rendering modes: 360°, fisheye and split-screen for single-PC-multiplayer. I haven’t wasted much time on it, just a quick detour to better understand how things work. To use them, make sure to update CM to latest build, should appear soon in the untested branch.

There are quite a few more changes, like new springy walls (works well with new soft collisions), and all sorts of fixes, here is the full list. Please give it a test and let me know if you’d encounter any issues. Thank you very much for all the support!

(New smoke might need more tweaking to look right, but hopefully it’s acceptable enough that I wouldn’t have to roll back all the changes. If you would experience performance issues, there are new settings in ParticlesFX section, “on-screen size limit” specifically can help.)




The fully reworked smoke/dust/spray particles look amazing! Thank you so much!


Whaaat, can't wait to try split screen. Is there any snow in the works or have you got too much other stuff to focus on?


what is the name of the dirt track in the first photo? hehe


You said that RainFX shoud be able to use online now? i think its not working yet, i cant use it in Online lobbies

Alex Cochrane

Awesome stuff with smoke and dust, things like that make the sim come alive! I wonder if using the same stuff to generate the dry line for wet weather, it could be made that dust is kicked up when driving off line, like seen in F1 often due to the low pressure behind the car?


New smoke is amazing. FOV has stopped working in Camera Editor. Anyone else with this issue?


great man thanks!!

Andrea Giglietti

Seems good Ilja, good job! No problems at all, but lost some FPS since last preview.


Got black sky with latest update :)


Jetzt funktioniert nicht mehr der Rauch aus Auspuff. Und das Back fier geht in der Version auch noch nicht.


Thanks for another great update! Would be great to hear how things are coming along with TreeFx. Keep up the amazing work!


You should just launch your own game at this point!


Great update, the new smoke and grass shards are great, i would like to know if there's a guide/documentation for the server plugin because i don't know how it works, i tried to start a server but i can't see the "status" tab


How do I install this please. Always take me ages and I don't know the actual process.


still can't manage to make the rain phisics work.


At the moment I’d like to get back to try and get new trees to work, but also, I think it’s time to actually take a week or even a couple of weeks and focus on preparing documentation first. Quite a lot of new features were added without any documentation yet. But yeah, could be awesome to try and work on snow later on


It was possible to use for quite some time now, but server needs to be configured in a special way. I’ll work on documentation now. What changed now is that now servers can actually have dynamic weather conditions changing live


Oh, so like spawning some dust if car would drive over a bit of track where cars don’t usually drive? Sure, I’ll think about how to add that, great idea!


Restarting PC and CM seemed to work


Do you have new photo mode app active? Now it would apply its FOV and DOF adjustments no matter the camera, so you can use its adjustments without switching to free camera. If that’s the case, you can simply collapse the app with the triangle in the upper right corner to stop it from altering camera settings. And I’ll work on integrating camera editor and new photo mode app together :)


Thanks! In smoky/dusty/splashy situations or in general?


Sorry, I should have mentioned it, you need to activate new plugin in Advanced tab, Real conditions checkbox is also there


Online or offline? If offline, please activate this option: https://files.acstuff.ru/shared/Fh3B/20210911-212659.png And then use this checkbox in Quick Drive: https://files.acstuff.ru/shared/PBg8/20210911-212724.png

Reda Abdoun Ribeiro

there's an issue with fidelityfx, camera isn't centered when it is activated


Video gets blurry while using taa + amd fsr. This only happens when something on screen is moving

Steffen Boesel

smoke is very nice....but......MORE SMOKE..... good work i say thx for every patch.....


Getting some UDP related error when starting a server using the latest untested CM version: https://gist.github.com/slkandy/2c10375fc8707fb3194c3da5966a93e4 This is without the "Use CM as server plugin" checked. With it checked, I get a more proper error modal in CM saying "Plugin UDP address is not set" but I'm not sure what to set exactly to fix it.


Sorry, but just in case, could it be related to acServer running in background somehow detached from CM and taking up its port? I’ll fix that error message with this new option


Springy walls does not seem to work. Is there a setting that must be enabled?


Hi, nice new update, but i have to say im interested into new springy walls but seems for me does not work properly. maybe settings not done quite well. or... any tips? ideas? tried various tracks hitting the walls no new springy walls what so ever.... also 360 view how can i find it?


Turning on FidelityFX CAS crashes for me. I'm using a Valve Index with FXAA 3.11.


well. there is shitload of smoke in the mirror.... but notoutside the car.... why?


Yes, it requires to use extended track physics with soft walls for soft collisions. I’m working on documentation for that now


Nice update! But is it possible to make an option for those who would like to have long-lasting smokes like in real life in a long-distance?


Oh, sorry, walls are still rigid, of course, springly walls would need to be set in track’s surfaces.ini to ensure it would be the same for all drivers online. Working on documentation right now. As for 360° view, use new CM (in general settings, activate untested updates to get the latest version) and new video mode will appear.


Could you please share video and CSP settings with me? In the bottom right corner, there should be these “Share settings” buttons, click on them to copy a link to those settings and paste them here. Thanks!


Smoke looks amazing! Only weird thing I noted is that when driving through shade, the smoke in the mirror appears lit up by the sun. Also I get occasional stutters, not sure what it's related to yet.


Also I really appreciate the change to allow us to override lods.ini and lights.ini. This is HUGE!

Jeno Galatz

wow brilliant the dust effect and smoke , i downloaded the new preview i tried in tandem drift server and its amazing how it looks and sometimes almost cannot see trough the smoke behind a driftcar , very nice update , the dust effect comming from wheels are looking real and gorgeous, also its soo interesting to have this more stationary smoke/dusts superb. I still testing and let you know my toughts. I also coudnt find how the springy walls work ? the problem with extra D assignment from controller didnt working even in this new csp , ill check the other bugs like the off positioned wipers ...


Hi Ilja, after updating the function that loads the car names from the Json seems to be broken. I also tried to downgrade but it seems that has permanently changed. Is there a way to quickly fix it?


Very neat, can't wait to try it out later.


It should be rendered for quite a long distance, but I’ll check. Or do you mean smoke not created from driving around, but just being there to begin with? Like some sort of localized fog? If so, it’s on my plans, going to add it a bit later :)


New particle fx are awesome, dust and tyre smoke look so good now! not really noticed a drop in fps, good stuff!


Oh, good point, I’ll add shadows for smoke in mirrors. As for stutters, are they like freezes or more like flickering? If it’s the latter, would disabling “Cover view…” option help?


Oh, right, I’ll fix it along with other bugs reported, thank you!


tested now, with the wet track the wheels produce a strange little dark gray cloud.


New tires-smoke look fantastic. Sparkles are more subtle and IMO look better too than previous hyper sparkles.


I'm trying to test out the new data_override feature but I cannot figure out the correct folder/file structure for the ovverride files. Can you shed some light on this?


Hi Ilya, ive got the extended physics enabled in the settings and in quick drive but the cars still grip as if its dry. Had this issue since the last update.


Are there any plans for volumetric clouds?


Do you have the RSR Live Timing app active? If so, disable it


any plans to fix Screen Space Reflections? they look fairly ugly and jagged in many scenarios. i can post pics if need be.


I am running Oculus Rift render mode (Quest 2 via Oculus link). On patch63 I am getting a jumping stuttering (like engine idle stuttering) when I look in the distance. I went back to patch1 and it went away.


I can't find the "multiplayer" option on assetto corsa video settings. Help?


how do i downlaod the original all i can see is patches


How do I make the rain slippery? I disabled the rain in debug and felt /saw no difference. I have extended physics clicked

Guershom Kitsa

Great job as ever Ilya! CSP, SoL and the modders are the reason why most of us still enjoy and appreciate this community. Quick question, could you or anyone here elaborate on what this means/how it works? -> 'Option to create portals to other servers online for freeroam servers'


Hi, the new smoke effects are awesome, but In first person/onboard, the smoke does not go over the tires (Tested with the RSS Formula Hybrid 2021)


Thanks heaps for the new build to test. This is my first time being here for a new release and im really surprised by the professionalism reading the note, like a big development team. Really impressive. Is it best to overwrite or replace when a new build comes in? Also, will triple screen users get TAA anytime soon?


I know this will get lost in the blizzard of comments, but I was wondering if it were possible to add cruise control to AC to make the open world maps more realistic? Thank you for all your work on the game. Every Patreon post is like Christmas to me.


Thanks soo much for your hard work!! Multiple problems like Resolution drops in rendering photos, crashing when taking photos in the rain and on certain tracks, not being able to set splines in Cam Tool App with the Drone App and keep them when you hide the apps, having to keep the photomode app unhidded when making videos so the changes stay, ALL FIXED🙏🏾❤ Thanks once again😁


Hi Ilja, the new smoke looks great! However, I also found some issues in this release: - FSR does not seem to work. Changing quality (even to performance) does not improve fps and visual quality looks the same as not using FSR. - Overall performance seems to have worsen a bit. Average fps seems to have dropped about 5 fps. As a note, I play in VR using rendering mode set to Open VR. But yes, overall a nice release~ Keep up the good work :)


I got one problem with this update.. For some reason my camera in game is not centered anymore. Any idea how I can fix that? All camera's are not centerd even when I run the benchmark. I have also turnt the new camera tweaks off and it's still doing it. When a go to a older patch it starts to work again.


yes, now its only working if u checked FXAA in CM-assetto-video, like on single/triple, probably not intended, but the loss of quality compared to previous fsr version is not worth


Fixed: if i turn of FidelityFX its working fine. Amazing work on the new update dude!

Bruno Dias

The newly reworked particles are so so good, the look fantastic. Personally, what I enjoyed the most were the improvements in camera mode, it feels just right. Great update Ilja, will be waiting on the docs to configure our server with rain.

Stimulation Simulated

how does this new splitscreen work i cant see option to update cm ?


The new smoke looks great but unfortunately needs to have parallel projection enabled on Pimax VR systems, which is a massive performance hit. I know that Pimax users are a small minority but maybe it will be possible for the next releases to switch between new smoke and old (new) smoke. Ofc best would be new smoke without the need of parallel projection but sadly I dont know anything about why that option is even needed under some circumstances

Morten Eriksen

There is no original. You download the latest version of Custom Shader Patch and install it.


Hey so anybody here might help, so in assetto corsa doesnt matter if its a kunos car or a mod my wheel doesnt work like there is no steering , no acceleration nothing, but when i boot up forza my wheel works along my shifter maybe off topic but is driving me nuts

Martin Kryger

In content manager-> settings->find assetto corsa in top left corner of screen-> controls-> input method maybe ?


It says wheel so i really dont know what is going on


I even unninstalled assetto

Martin Kryger

where it says wheel; what does it say in top right corner....it should tell you which wheel you have.


When I start the server with live weather, it always rains. Anyone managed to make it work correctly?


I wanted to point out that if I enable the limitations of the AI, the wipers of the cars controlled by the AI stop working.


I did some tests and found that when creating the wiper movement with the SPL tool, the wiper shadow does not follow the wiper, so there is always a gray halo where the offset is set. However, this does not happen if the animation is created with a .ksanim file. By shadow I do not mean that of the 3D of the windshield wiper, which moves correctly in the sun, but the shadow of the rain.


New flames are really wierd with this, they show up for me but not for others sometimes, and other times it is vice versa.

Andrew Le

the smoke is not good at all. want the old one back. Firstly the smoke is a consistent grey colour. And it doesnt leave a trail. bascially shoots straight up and theres this visible patch of emptiness in the middle and the smoke just doesnt seems spread anywhere


how did u run it with rain! it wont even RUN the server for me??

G. Yam

are you currently working on the rendering? Little question .... how about SideBySide .... for 3dTv ....


awsome updates man good job ! only thing we all can agree on is the old smoke version was by far way way way better then this new one , this new one is horrible in my opinion .. its really grey does not spawn where it should , but pretty sure thats an easy fix


no its not .. its so grey and so off not sure if you into drifting but its terrible smoke unless you on potato graphics


new flames dont work with this patch does anyone have a fix? they dont show up at all on backfires


the smoke seems to be particles for me, what is the problem?

Zip Zap

Motion blur doesn't work anymore

Oscar granda

The little you do with the right time, is always worth it, thanks to you we can enjoy this simulator and even more those of us who create rally sections, thank you very much for your work, I look forward to the fog is one thing assetto lacks

Oscar granda

as it is done for the new collision, from CM or from RTB, creator of circuits


my game now looks blury , :( with old one was so clear now i cannot even see speedometer proprley


If the game looks blurry after the update - double-check AMD FSR settings. I believe the order has changed and mine was reset to performance (from Ultra Quality).


I am getting 100% GPU usage on rtx 3080....something must be wrong with new settings or I have something extremely demanding turned on...

Sun Kin

goto settings/ custom shader patch/ Graphic Adjustments/ AMDFidelityFX .....put it to Ultra quality and put the sharpness to 100%


my camera after installing the 0.1.76 previews is now zoomed in to the top left of my screen...


Check if your video settings is set to 3180x2160 (4K) if you usually use 1080p and change it back :)


@beo420 think it might be you bro, im running a 1050ti unpushed at about 60/144 consistently!? it could be ur settings


u might be right, i am running 3440x1440 all maxxed in CM + PP filters for photo + reshade and it was finebefore but after driver update and this CSP update i am getting 100% usage on GPU, i guess i need to turn down shit

Jeno Galatz

i encouue screenter a lot of bluescreen error in content manager if i swap between kunos/favourites/preset tubs in online serverlists page


Hi ! I donated money but idk how to activae the rain in CM. Im using the newer serial key now but nothing really changed. I also using the newst SOL version. What must i do i have no idea ...

Jeno Galatz

The sand/smoke effect it stays sometimes too longer and there is a strange behaviour with VR as i move my head is moving the smoke too strangely


Hey guys, any instructions on how to setup rain on a server without the use of the messege box.


Motion Blur is broken now. It just doesn't exist anymore.

Sun Kin

install the lights patch (link above) manually or just drop the zip file onto Content Managers window and click the the three little lines in the top right of CM to install it....the lights patch preview is the Rain.....not CM or SOL


Has there been some development progress made on 3d tree meshes mentioned last update?


car dashboard seems to be broken on some mods as well, like in my Cupra 2020 or Clio, dash items are overlaping with the mesh, even with steering wheel...


Is the high/low beam resetting a known issue? I thought it depended on enforcement of the high beams or enforcing the AI lights, but it seems to reset to the default state shortly after hitting the switch high/low beams key. In the practice mode that doesn't seem to happen. Probably something to do with the "new AI behavior". The walk out mode breaks the new AI, by the way.

Callum McGurk

I find this update works fine for me on both my computers. Is there a way we could get a slider for the amount of tyre smoke that remains? I understand it could be pretty expensive if you do a huge burnout but for those who have machines that can handle it it'd be nice to have a lot more residual smoke from drifting etc. It also seems that it doesn't really generate smoke as much when the car is stationary, but as soon as you start moving the amount of smoke generated increases hugely. If small amounts of smoke were a bluey-white colour then as the amount of smoke increases it goes white, that would look great too. Thanks for the update though, was beginning to wonder whether you were stuck or something :)


Hi mate, Many thanks for your hard work it's great. regarding this 01.76 preview 63 i've noticed in VR that the overall image is flickering like if you are running low in refresh rate (60hz mode),Even if i have a steady 90 on fps vr. i went back to the last preview and it works fine again.


Thanks for your awesome work! This 0.1.76 line of versions (I tried both preview1 and preview63) do not work under Linux in Steam, using Proton though :( All versions before run fine, and provide me with an awesome SIM experience. It says it can't find "replayLeaderboards" and "pHMD". I have the latest version of AC on Steam.


I'm having a crazy effect when using alpha-blend textures with last two CSP versions, mainly on grooves overlying the road.


First of all great Work, Wipers for AI Drivers Work now in Rain Mode. But i can't set Post Processing Anti Aliasing to Ultra in CMAA Mode anymore. When set on, in Game looks like Medium. Leving the Game it has automatic set to Medium. In Preview1 this does not happen.


First of all, gpu usage decreased a bit here, which is very nice! Love the new smoke dynamics, i think it's here to stay. One thing i noticed pretty quick is that compared to the old one it doesn't seem to stick to the tire as much when launching with a burnout, or to be directed under the car when drifting, for example. It is projected outward, sideways, more. Other than that, stable update. Thank you, Ilja! PS: latest CM and this latest CSP crashes some cars, here's a screenie: https://ibb.co/9rDbQVr Reverting to the previous version of both works fine. PS2: i can also confirm this version is blurrier than the last with the same exact settings


España Una idea que seria espectacular seria añadir algo de polvo fuera de la trazada (pista sucia ) un polvo mucho mas ligero para dar sensacion de estar saliendo de la trazada , no entodas las curvas pero si en algunas y en la recta fuera de la trazada


After installing 0.1.76-preview63, shadow of the car to the ground become weak making the car look floaty on replays. No settings was adjusted after the update from previous 0.1.75. Or is there any settings need to be done? Thanks. Overall great update.

Miguel Angelo

black smoke not working with this version :(


I rolled back to previous version because this one is blurry on VR and there is car shadows issues. Also NECK FX on VR is not working propertly


I'm no longer getting smoke. Tried drifting and all I got were tire marks.


Excited about the ability to do the 360 camera and fisheye. Not so much just for that but maybe one day a kind of projection correction for the heavily curved screens would be amazing to see


I get blurry images using vr and for and pretty much any combination of settings. If you unchecked FXAA it will completely disable FSR. I have changed many settings looking for the culprit but it honestly looks like it's stuck on performance mode?


Looks absolutely brilliant. Great job as always, Ilja. Also having the issue with CMAA 2.0 not allowing any setting other than Medium. Thanks.


Never mind. I restarted the game and I now get the smoke effects. Looks really good.


Thank you. Everything looks good, but I can no longer drive because the onboard settings and the driver eye position no longer work. I can only see the left wing mirror and the sky.


Илья подскажите как включить доп освещение поворотники дверри отткрывать аварийку я играю на геймпаде я не пойму как ими пользоваться как включить спасибо)


I'm getting a buggy windscreen wiper only showing in my right eye in VR on a Valve Index (OpenVR) when using certain cars such as the Ferrari 458 GT2.


Hi. How to enable rain on the server in the latest version?


how do i get Weather Script 2.1? thx ...I have the 2.1 Controller Script


Hello sorry for the trouble but I have serious problems with the new schader patch but also with the old version. When I go to save a saved set of the car everything is ok but when I try to load the default again because I want to go back with the original settings the game reloads the default, so far everything is fine but if I try to reload the setup I had saved previously to my amazement the setup always remains the default one. In practice, after the first upload it no longer takes the change ... why? Is it a known bug?


Will the AI actually equip the rain tires anywhere soon?

Max Schrappe

Hello, I'm having serious problems with rain at night. The lights of your car are illuminating the rain at the point where the rain had already passed the light beam towards the driver, so in the driver POV what appears is that there is a car in the opposite direction with the lights turned into the driver illuminating the rain against him. It's seems so wrong. At night when driving in the rain in the dark at speed, with windscreen clean you don't even need to use the wipers, you can't even see the rain, you only use the wipers when the windscreen is to dirt or with oil. Despite that you only see the lights illuminating the ambient itself, the rain is only illuminated by the lights at distance in the reach of the light beam, nothing more. Only when a light beam of a car is turned to you it illuminates the rain in your direction causing a kind of blindness. I'm trying to run at night but it's almost impossible! This needs urgent fix. Apart that I thought that the particles effects are much better. The windscreen now blurs more realistically for a racing car when wipers are not being used, giving the effect as the windscreen is a bit dirty or oily, forcing to use the wipers, which is nice, but, as mentioned above, the rain drops are far too much illuminated in the vicinity of the windscreen, passed the light beam and it looks like an opposite car is always with the light beam pointed to you. When the wiper is not in use this effect is a little bit diminished but when you start using the wipers this effect is multiplied, turning almost impossible to drive at night with rain. Despite that, still a tuning needed though., specially at the same scenario, at night with rain, you can see the point where the water leaves the tires as a small cloud with too many effect making it looks like a puddle not as a condensed spray so it appears as a blur with solid edges, quite weird. In the rear mirror also a weird effect at night with rain because when the spray of your car reach an opponent in the back it does not shade smoothly and the car looks a little blurred and greyed with solid edges not blending with the darkness of the ambient, looks like a grey stencil glued to a dark paper. I have videos and images if you would like to see for yourself and understand better what I'm trying to explain.

Andre Warringa

I have quite a severe fps drop with this preview. Using a G2 Reverb (which has max 90fps) and testing on the amazing Union Island track: This preview version: Fidelity on Balanced, 74fps Version preview 1: Fidelity on Quality (!), 89.9fps I have to test further what is causing this, probably the new smoke, but did someone already do the testing work and found it what the fps hog is?


I have not noticed a performance drop, if anything my performance went up a bit from Preview 1 to this version. But I have noticed that sometimes turning off Graphics Adjustments entirely gets much higher FPS than leaving it on. Not sure why, but I think it's tied to using high SS% in Steam VR. Something in there doesn't like super high resolutions. Maybe try turning off Graphics Adjustments for a test and see if your fps goes back to ~90?


I have rain working fine but no spray from cars cannot see a setting for this?


When i set it to "high" there was no automatic reset to "Medium" after Gameplay.


Hope this is helpful, this seems common issue now ! Disable motion blur, works for me.


Hey brilliant new update :) I dont seem to be able to get split screen mode or any of the other modes to be selectable. PP and FXAA on. Is there another setting? Anyone got working? I know documentation is coming :) - SpAtS


im stupid Ive paid and i used the key it gave me in content manager but i can still only download 1.75 how do I get the latest versions


You must Download the CSP .zip File from here and drag & drop it into content manager in the Left Corner of the Content Manager are Three Bars they change Color to Green. Click on it on the Buttom Side Press Install. Choose in CSP Main Page of CM "No auto updates" restart CM and Voila newest PAtch runs

Sun Kin

I still can't find any servers running Rain....can't wait for a Live Weather Nords Trackday server server


Here is a good tutorial on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD5ZXzw5y7Q


My AC looks odd and blurry with this version? Disabling Extensions under Extra FX seems to help a bit? Rolling back for now


Did you have AMD FSR enabled? I think the settings got reversed in this version causing many to have this problem...

Andre Warringa

I think so too.. I get a severe fps drop with this version (in former version I had FSR on Quality) but it doesn't matter which FSR mode I select, the fps remains the same. Looks like it's stuck in Performance mode no matter which mode you select, causing the fps drop in my case.


good job !appreciate!


I can't play on CSP 1.76 p63 when playing Track day mode in SRP 0.9.1 with VR, so I rolled back to 0.1.76 p1.


Hi, has the Custom VR Mirroring option vanished? The preview window has gone back to the tiny resolution of old :( Edit * Sorry, found it. It is now in MODE TWEAKS: VR


smoke looks really good! only thing I would suggest is if you look at drifting or even just people doing burnouts, the smoke is a little lighter color and it shoots further back from the wheels. Other than that looks great


Hello Ilja. Noticed a few things with the latest CSP, here they are: - smoke isn't generated from wheels where it should be, sometimes: https://youtu.be/fxlwQ97efbM - smoke has this weird behaviour where it's projected further forward than the car itself (which is also moving forward): https://youtu.be/9mBBFvI8UYs - smoke again, when hitting Esc while it's being generated: https://youtu.be/mQn1bVvzCuI - looks like there's a point at which some sort of LOD kicks in and changes the way headlight beams look when moving camera away from the car: https://youtu.be/bTiI_SWMhJw - sound simply cuts out when playing with F5 camera (spherical coordinates off) around the car: https://youtu.be/VO57XWoUIEs


Has someone else the Problem with a 180 degrees Flipped Steering Wheel in the Ferrari 458 GT3?


Hello, it seems engine smoke is gone for me. Anyone have any ideas?


is there any way to adjust the grip levels on semi slick in the rain? it seems way too grippy.


On the VRC MP4-20 Mclaren F1 car---version 1.1--- get this odd result where the digital instrument behind the steering wheel persists on top of the wheel rather than getting obscured by wheel. It does not do this with CSP disabled. Have yet to isolate a setting within CSP which triggers this. Any ideas? Running 1.76 preview 63. Thank you


I'm sure Ilja knows, but a little observation on my end, Smoke not white, fairly Grey and worse at night, Too much front tire smoke on understeer, Smoke does not last long on track, even though there's a option for it, There's also a weird upwards smoke plume/chimney effect happening with fast initiated drifts! In saying that I know smoke is a fresh build, so hoping for fixes in the next patch :D


Sorry if this has been mentioned but installed preview63 and got rain but wipers aren’t clearing it of the windscreen. What do I need to do to have the wipers clear droplets off the front windshield?? Was driving E30 on Macau track… thanks for any help


i love you Ilja <3


First of all, thanks a lot for your precious work here, it' just amazing. After a couple of driving session VR (Oculus Quest 2 via Link cable here) and screen (G-Sync 4K 120Hz) I found that FSR doesn't works well as previous release. I used it on monitor at Ultra Quality and it lowered my GPU load by 10% to 20% without noticeable quality drop but now again at Ultra with 100% sharpness it just doesn't looks as good as before. In VR it simply doesn't works fine at all with both Oculus and OpenVR modes, blurry (Oculus) or strange artifacts (OpenVR). Smoke looks very good for me. Biggest concern after FSR is regarding strange rain during night/headlight driving...I don't know how to describe it, I saw a good comment here regarding this that seems that light reflected by the rain it's too strong. In the end, at the moment, driving at night with rain it's quite impossible.


Just wanted to report a VR bug for the new smoke incase it wasn't posted. The smoke seems to travel with the way you turn your head in VR.


I had issues getting the Rain to work in this version. No sound or particles.


"Now CSP expects server plugin to broadcast condition updates" Where is the plugin ?? I would like to drive in a rain server with people.


I have no car spray at bad raining conditions with flooded ground. I have tested all settings without success

Sun Kin

How to turn down the sound of the wipers?......i have the bass high on my system as it gets nice tones from the engine, but the bass tone thud of the wipers is as loud as the engine, is there a way to turn that particular sound down?....my neighbours are ready to lynch me....ferdunk ferdunk ferdunk ferdunk....lol


the colour of the smoke is effected by lighting and shadows.. when you're drifting and you go through a shadow on the map it looks correct but yeah if the sky isn't clear and sunny the smoke is too dark. And the smoke doesn't account for track lights at night either, it all just comes out as grey/black.


Thank you! Thing with FSR is, I changed implementation to official FSR SDK and with it, I also changed quality presets. Before that I had them taken from some mod where ultra quality would actually mean 87% of resolution. Now ultra quality is only 77%. In latest preview I added a new preset, Custom Quality, maybe that would help? I’ll check light reflected at night, of course. Thank you!


With one of newer CMs, you can now alter audio volume in AC audio settings (or maybe try default WeatherFX implementation if those sounds are made by Sol?)


Not sure why it would be happening, sorry, trying to recreate the issue here


Thank you! Whole thing with smoke color is a bit of a problem atm, apparently it’s way too dark on some PCs and I haven’t been able to figure out what breaks it like that yet, still investigating


Hello, thanks for the report. I think smoke flying forward might be all right (car continues to stop, smoke keeps going), I’ll try to fix the rest


Should work with the latest update, sorry for the inconvenience


В CM settings/controls/patch можно назначить дополнительные кнопки. Вам спасибо!)


Hi, add this to extra server options (there is this button in CM in basic server configuration section for that): [RAIN_PREVIEW] INTENSITY = 0.5


Thank you for the report! I’ll try to fix that issue, of course


With new CM, right? If not, you can update it by switching to untested branch in its general settings


Please DM me your CSP and AC video settings, you can share them with those buttons in the bottom right corner


Not yet, sorry, I was mainly working on fixes, and it seems like I’ll need to work on them some more. It’s definitely not abandoned though


I’ll check high/low beams, thanks. Walking out mode is meant to do that, it deactivates AI so you could drive other cars too


Great idea with tyre smoke color. As for smoke hanging around, it’s not really the expensive part, a lot of smoke bits nearby taking up a lot of space on screen are the much heavier thing to render. Do you think it needs more smoke hanging around? Seem to me like a good balance between obscuring view and having a smoky look. I’m working on fix for stationary cars smoking less, although not sure when it’ll be ready. Thing is, I added it deliberately at some point to make sure AIs wouldn’t smoke as much at the starting line, but now I forgot how I done that. So, still looking for it


That’s strange, I’ll try to reproduce the problem here


Wait so how do active split screen? There is no split screen option in AC video settings like it says. Also which game mode are you supposed to be in?




Look for SirSpats


Any way to alter the windshield rain effect to look better with cars that have semi transparent stickers on the windshield, like many GT3 cars? One other thing (that I'm not certain if it a CSP or SOL thing). When there is fog the wheels look too brigh and low contrast especially on wet road. Makes the car look floating.


Bonjour llja, j'ai installé le csp 0,1,7,6 preview1et cela ne fonctionne pas il me dit version not available to install, pourrez tu m'aider. Mon email : nag8babr@outlook.fr

Chris Rees

Great work. It is really coming along however I have found a problem that I can't find a soloution to. I play with Oculus quest 2 but I render to my main screen as well for two reasons (to record for youtube and 2 for my son to watch me). However since upgrading from csp 0.1.60 my screen no longer renders 3440 x 1440 on my monitor it only does a small screen with two massive blurred out copies of the screen either side here is video to show you all https://youtu.be/FftxyhX4zqs In oculus it renders fine but as stated I really want it to look nice on my monitor as well.


Great work! thanks!


I can't see any rain spray on my side, is there any specific checkbox for ip?