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Trying to finish up a lot of things this month, as I'm going on a holiday for a week. But no worries; work will continue as usual.

Currently coding in Eeyok's chapter 5 and 6, and his first CG is also drawn.

I also went back to outline some of Eeyok's plot and made some changes here and there. Excited to get the entire plot unraveling! I believe Eeyok's route will end up being longer than the others, though still shorter than James. I anticipate having to create even more backgrounds.

The backgrounds are a lot of fun to make though! I've always been a sucker for medieval type style backgrounds.

Moonstone Remix
I'm also still working on Moonstone Remix, finished up another character design. Yes, I was a fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, in case anyone wonders 🤣

I'm trying to fill the world up with various characters you can interact with, though I haven't yet fully decided who will be part of the 'main' cast (and thus, have the most content). Though I do plan on having every character you meet also have the option of befriending them. Or romancing them, but we'll see how much work that is.


Anna Bia

I'm so hyped for moonstone remix! I can't wait to play it!