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Like if ya think Bakugo was lacking at the end!



God bless you, keep Jesus in your life. And I don’t know why he doesn’t like him


God bless you, keep Jesus in your life ♥️

Pretty PINK

God Bless you all :)

Nathan Harris

the manga gives better context, in the manga deku broke shigaraki's jaw and teeth. and the manga shows bakugo and endevour getting close to shigaraki.


Bakugo wasn’t lackin, his quirk is explosion so with deku and dragon lady literally draped over shiggy’s body there was nothing he could have done attacking wise because they were in the way.

Lavicrep Ris

Bakugo simply wasn't fast enough Rob. They clearly showed it in the episode


just a thought, couldnt the poltergeist girl just float a jar into his mouth?


She's invisible, not a ghost... she can't float/fly... lol


Poltergeist isn't invisible girl, she's the one who telekinetically manipulate objects and people close to her... she was floating Kaminari when he got hit by debris. Seems like she or the girl who can split her body parts and fly should've had a good chance at doing so.


nah rob just be ruining shit


Jerrys been coming correct on the reactions lately


yo im anime-only water, did shigaraki just ingest some deku arm. does that mean he stole one for all. If I remember right, the way the quirk is passed on is by eating a piece of the previous user. can someone explain this.


To pass on One for All, the person with the quirk willingly has to give it to them. You can’t just eat there hair or something

Devin B

Yeah like @Bosastar said cause remember Stain ingested some of Deku's blood and nothing happened. He basically needs to give his consent to pass the power over.

Kade Wilson

i’m mad rob didn’t realize deku was crying when torino got hit lol evan and jerry lucky

Ore Ogunleye

No, the blood that appeared on Deku’s arm when Shigaraki bit on it was Shigaraki’s own blood. The anime doesn’t make it as clear in this scene, but the manga clearly showed that Shigaraki’s jaw got dislocated from biting Izuku’s arm, so the blood was from Shigaraki’s jaw being broken.


Rob respects crying for a good reason. Hell, Pat damn near hit the baby deku at the same time lol😭 😂


Idk about "clearly". To me, it looked like he bit Deku's off due to the sleeve rip. There's a panel of deku swinging down, then a panel of arm in mouth. Even watching was confusing. Like... My guy... How you stop a 100% smash with your mouth??? 😆


He has AP shot??? He could have shot Shiggy's arm or something. After Ryukyu screamed that he has a deleter round Bakugo should have shot the damn arm or hand that is holding the bullet.


I’ll give you that. I still think deku being on on his back and Ryukyu covering the front side of him and only his hand slightly sticking out interfered. But I guess ap shot would’ve worked…maybe. But that would’ve been the best option tho.

Candice Blair

Rob's hate for Kirishima is just irrational just like the others, right?


Did Welz clean up his beard? Or maybe its the straight black fit but he looks mad different here

Corey Pearson

The poltergeist girl is on the other battle field. We have to remember these are two different battle grounds being shown simultaneously. She's closer to where deku and them are then near the headquarters.