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Poor Kiritsugu smh



Rob is a Patrick In the face ass dude. Always saying the dumbest shit.

Lance Masayoshi

"RIP Shigechi" I can't wait for that next JJBA episode now LOL


The conversation at the end is so dumb. You can literally look that shit up and not argue about things you don’t know.


I agree with ROB


The great water debate


I’ve never seen someone have such a low iq like rob.


Dude on the right is more intrested in arguing plane physics than discussing the show

JacksOnion Lee

u'll get used to it, if u watch the One Piece reaction too. Just unsub in the future tbh

Ryno Live

Did they forget to react to the episode arguing about planes landing on water am I dreaming

Ryno Live

Since yall forgot to talk about it that's the same bullets they used on lancer master

Ryno Live

Damn he killed both of them

Jesse B

Some ppl jus love to argue even if they not making any sense 😂😂😂

Devin B

The crazy thing is Jerry looked it up but decided to let them continue arguing until it got too repetitive.

Devin B

Rob how are you gonna start a 20+ min argument over planes when you couldn't understand what Pat was saying? Just because something can do things that it wasn't designed to do doesn't mean it's meant to do it. It's like saying just because you can use a frying pan to hit someone doesn't mean it was designed to be used as a weapon. It is meant to be used to cook food but you can use it for other things outside of it's designed purpose.


That annoyed the hell out me. Wellz going along with Rob just helped it drag on.

Austin Lewis

Rob says the dumbest shit ever and he swears he is right. Idk how they put up with him


Same, it’s for entertainment. But sometimes even that can get annoying.

Devin B

@Daas Nahk in the words of Pat there are some frying pans that are meant to have three shades of green but not all pans have three shades of green

Emil (edited)

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2022-12-27 16:36:28 Fun fact: this episode aired on mothers day
2022-09-18 22:08:33 Fun fact: this episode aired on mothers day

Fun fact: this episode aired on mothers day

Isotoxic .

Honestly they both are right the plane is designed and performs best when Landing on land but there is also a design to have the ability to land in water and keep people safe the argument is dumb for the fact they both argue for each other the ideal situation is always to land on the ground but things happen to where you can’t do in the assembly of the plane there are mechanisms to withstand the water pressure and keep others safe people that say rob is dumb just wanna hate tbh


Damn... " I said I'm sorry, Momma!... I never meant to hurt you..."


This discussion is giving me lava = hot water flashblacks again.

Elian Mejia

A plane has certain features designed to land on water. In its entirety it’s not made to land on water but has designs within the blueprints in case of an emergency thus the plane is in fact designed to land on water, that was robs point and he is correct. Pat can’t understand that it having the design to land on water does indeed make it a plan designed to land on water. The pilot literally reads it out before every flight takes off. This ain’t an opinion it’s a fact lol. I love how people in this generation can’t rely on their own brain and common sense to differentiate simple statements but take things off google at face value . Rob is correct lmaooo

Elian Mejia

I had to write my own comment to explain it. People nowadays can’t utilize their own brain and logic but instead rely on google to determine what right and wrong. Taking things at face value without analyzing it is clearly a big issue with the young generation. It’ll hurt them later in life when they become more independent lmaoo, rob is correct.

Elian Mejia

A plane has certain features designed to land on water. In its entirety it’s not made to land on water but has designs within the blueprints in case of an emergency thus the plane is in fact designed to land on water, that was robs point and he is correct. Pat can’t understand that it having the design to land on water does indeed make it a plan designed to land on water. The pilot literally reads it out before every flight takes off. This ain’t an opinion it’s a fact lol. I love how people in this generation can’t rely on their own brain and common sense to differentiate simple statements but take things off google at face value . Rob is correct lmaooo. The only low IQs here are the people who liked your comment and the ones who don’t agree with rob, learn to think for yourself guys, it’s sad how your hate for someone blinds you of your own ignorance and inability to analyze statements off of google lmaoo

Elian Mejia

A plane has certain features designed to land on water. In its entirety it’s not made to land on water but has designs within the blueprints in case of an emergency thus the plane is in fact designed to land on water, that was robs point and he is correct. Pat can’t understand that it having the design to land on water does indeed make it a plan designed to land on water. The pilot literally reads it out before every flight takes off. This ain’t an opinion it’s a fact lol. I love how people in this generation can’t rely on their own brain and common sense to differentiate simple statements but take things off google at face value . Rob is correct lmaooo

Elian Mejia

A plane has certain features designed to land on water. In its entirety it’s not made to land on water but has designs within the blueprints in case of an emergency thus the plane is in fact designed to land on water, that was robs point and he is correct. Pat can’t understand that it having the design to land on water does indeed make it a plan designed to land on water. The pilot literally reads it out before every flight takes off. This ain’t an opinion it’s a fact lol. I love how people in this generation can’t rely on their own brain and common sense to differentiate simple statements but take things off google at face value . Rob is correct lmaooo

Elian Mejia

A plane has certain features designed to land on water. In its entirety it’s not made to land on water but has designs within the blueprints in case of an emergency thus the plane is in fact designed to land on water, that was robs point and he is correct. Pat can’t understand that it having the design to land on water does indeed make it a plan designed to land on water. The pilot literally reads it out before every flight takes off. This ain’t an opinion it’s a fact lol. I love how people in this generation can’t rely on their own brain and common sense to differentiate simple statements but take things off google at face value . Rob is correct lmaooo

Elian Mejia

Finally someone with a brain of their own. Glad to meet another fellow player. Too many NPCs lately

Elian Mejia

I’m convinced everyone who disagrees with rob is straight up an NPC. Y’all know how to think on your own?


They did say that. Not at the end but during the reaction

Devin B

@Elian Mejia there's a difference between being designed to land on water and being able to land on water. The planes that are specifically designed to land on water are called seaplanes. You probably would recognize them cause they're the planes with the two big floats at the bottom. Rob is still wrong cause commercial planes are capable of landing on water but they're not designed to land on water. They have safety measures to withstand landing on water but in it's design it's not suppose to land on water like that.


Planes are designed to land on BOTH ground and water. Just because a plane is designed MAINLY to land on ground does not mean it isnt designed to land on water as well. (For arguments sake) if a plane was built like a giant rectangle it wouldnt be able to float in water because it wouldnt have enough buoyancy. So it Wouldn’t be designed to land on water. It would simply sink. But a regular plan has a curved surface with other safety designs that allow it to flow on water. Rob is right on this one. Although i dont usually agree with him.


Please go back and listen. It’s was stated by pat and jerry that a plane can land on water, they just weren’t designed to. The argument went in circle because rob couldn’t understand what they where saying and how they said it.


Rob is wrong like usual "Airplanes are designed so that a water landing won't cause immediate harm to passengers. Many ditching-related deaths are from drowning, not the impact. You're not going to float for very long, and if you land too hard, the chances of breaking it are very high because water is going to get in and it's going to start sinking. Airplanes are made to land on "land" not water ,in case of an emergency they can land on water if the pilot is good and doesn't flip the plane or brake it on impact .Planes who are made to land on water are called floatplanes or seaplanes , they can land and take of on water. Commercial planes are made to transport people and merchandise form one airport to the next. Airports are on land btw.

Myles Xavier (edited)

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2022-12-27 16:36:23 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.
2022-12-27 16:36:23 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.
2022-12-27 16:36:23 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.
2022-12-27 16:36:23 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.
2022-12-27 16:36:23 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.
2022-09-19 15:12:34 O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.

O robby. you started the Argument bc Pat said "Meant" to land on water. but it can. im not sure what U misheard but just on Up. And Wellz idk how you were with him lol. This is all bc rob doesn't there are planes that actually sit on water and can take off every time bc it is designed that way. Called Sea planes Bud Look it up.

Elian Mejia

You’re an idiot, he’s trolling 99% of the time. He’s making a logical point here. Goddamn are you this fucking dumb that you can’t analyze a statement based on actual reality. You idiot, if a plane is designed internally to land an emergency landing on water than it’s “made” to land on water you dumb fuck. Why can’t you use your little small brain to comprehend that “made” and “design” doesn’t change the plane’s blueprints and “purposes” yes, it’s ideal landing is on land but it’s also designed for water landings this is way there’s life boats and raft slides idiot

Elian Mejia

You’re an idiot, he’s trolling 99% of the time but the fact that you’re by passing an actual point goes to show your stupidity. He’s making a logical point here. Goddamn are you this fucking dumb that you can’t analyze a statement based on actual reality. You idiot, if a plane is designed internally to land an emergency landing on water than it’s “made” to land on water you dumb fuck. Why can’t you use your little small brain to comprehend that “made” and “design” doesn’t change the plane’s blueprints and “purposes” yes, it’s ideal landing is on land but it’s also designed for water landings this is way there’s life boats and raft slides idiot. That was robs point and he is correct. Pat on the other hand doesn’t agree with this because he takes things off google at face value with thinking in it lol

Elian Mejia

YOU need to go back and LISTEN. Pat and jerry aren’t the brightest people on earth my friend. If a plane can land on water then it’s designed to land on water. Why the fuck does y’all’s little brain not able to proceed the fact that made and designed doesn’t change the fact that it can in case of an emergency. Meaning there’s blueprints within the design of the plane to allow emergency water landings. It’s not ideal but if the time arrives the plane has features to withstand if done correctly, meaning it’s designed to also land on water. Pat and Jerry’s wording is that of a child and refuse to understand robs point because they take things off google at face value


Just because some can do something doesn’t mean it’s designed to do so. Yes a plane can land on water incase of emergency but it’s not designed to, if it where it be a seaplane. SEAPLANE and the regular plane are different planes designed for different things.

Myles Xavier (edited)

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2022-12-27 16:36:28 Bro you are fucking sped. please stop. we all know the that a commercial plane can land on water dumbass, no one’s arguing that if you fucking pay attention. pat said it could be difficult bc it wasn’t “specifically” made to land on water, even tho it can. There are other planes that are “specifically” designed to stay on water AND go into the air easily. thats the difference your dumbass and Rob seem to not get. he never said it wasn’t possible. they we’re talking about how ideal it was that she could do it and what could happen. but then out of nowhere we spend 20 minutes talking about specifics of plane’s designs. even tho you could land both designs of planes on water. it’s a fact that commercial planes are meant to park there TIRES on land AND STAY. like stfu u Brain dead fuck. Talk nice or don’t talk at all. plus you sound like a idiot.
2022-09-19 17:50:28 Bro you are fucking sped. please stop. we all know the that a commercial plane can land on water dumbass, no one’s arguing that if you fucking pay attention. pat said it could be difficult bc it wasn’t “specifically” made to land on water, even tho it can. There are other planes that are “specifically” designed to stay on water AND go into the air easily. thats the difference your dumbass and Rob seem to not get. he never said it wasn’t possible. they we’re talking about how ideal it was that she could do it and what could happen. but then out of nowhere we spend 20 minutes talking about specifics of plane’s designs. even tho you could land both designs of planes on water. it’s a fact that commercial planes are meant to park there TIRES on land AND STAY. like stfu u Brain dead fuck. Talk nice or don’t talk at all. plus you sound like a idiot.

Bro you are fucking sped. please stop. we all know the that a commercial plane can land on water dumbass, no one’s arguing that if you fucking pay attention. pat said it could be difficult bc it wasn’t “specifically” made to land on water, even tho it can. There are other planes that are “specifically” designed to stay on water AND go into the air easily. thats the difference your dumbass and Rob seem to not get. he never said it wasn’t possible. they we’re talking about how ideal it was that she could do it and what could happen. but then out of nowhere we spend 20 minutes talking about specifics of plane’s designs. even tho you could land both designs of planes on water. it’s a fact that commercial planes are meant to park there TIRES on land AND STAY. like stfu u Brain dead fuck. Talk nice or don’t talk at all. plus you sound like a idiot.

corey L

patrick i gotchu: a bathtub aint designed to float but if you wanted to you could legit sail it across the seven seas