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Aqualad is really ON ONE!!


Ceno B

Rob and pat are buggin. Wally's completely justified to feel the way he does about everything he brought up

Ceno B (edited)

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2024-06-23 18:24:40 Wally and Artemis were retired, and his best friend asked her to go undercover on a crazy ass mission with huge risks that affect the whole team. I’d be heated at nightwing too 🤣
2024-06-22 05:29:16 Wally and Artemis were retired, and his best friend asked her to go undercover on a crazy ass mission with huge risks that affect the whole team. I’d be heated at nightwing too 🤣

Wally and Artemis were retired, and his best friend asked her to go undercover on a crazy ass mission with huge risks that affect the whole team. I’d be heated at nightwing too 🤣


First Pat you usually smart, but you're getting me heated right now and Rob well you be you sometimes . Artemis didn't offer to do this nightwing asked her. whether she is a retired hero or not with the amount of members young justice has and he still asked her that means that he Obviously needed her. Why would she refuse, do ya'll think that if something bad was to happen while she refused to help, she would have been like well i was retired so i don't care even though i could have helped and things could have been different Because again i was retired. she would have felt guilty for not helping. Wally being mad at nightwing is not crazy. Nightwing is he's bestfriend who called his girl back to the field and wasn't in the know it all About a mission that he launched and only found out on a flash drive after putting his girl literally behind enemy line. If something bad was to happen would he be like aqualad had a good reason and it was on the flash drive so wally should be fine, like im sorry your girl died or one of our teammates got hurt but it was on the drive plus your girl agreed to help so i don't have to get better control of the mission and make sure she and our teammates our fine because she made the choice to help me after i asked her for help. Wally wasn't just worried about his girl he was also worried about everyone and nightwing. Ya'll reasoning be killing me sometimes, made me write a whole paragraph for this.