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Next few episodes are about to be lit!!!



Last bit on Toga... as a person who's done a fair amount of drugs, Especially Shrooms, I must say that her description of her dreams as a child were mortifying, sickening, and... shockingly accurate to a drug trip 🤣. Human digestion is crazy. It can effect your mind in ways you'd never truly understand. When you do shrooms, the sensation of the shrooms going through the different stages of digestion will become very noticeable. It could feel like a bug crawling down your esophagus(throat). It could feel like a fire in your belly. A butterfly behind your belly button. It's different for each person, and IS ULTIMATELY DETERMINED by your state of mind. Meaning, your thoughts become your reality during your "trip". So, Toga falls asleep thinking about how she loves birds. Thinking of herself as a bird makes her feel good inside, which makes her love the idea of herself as a bird. Now she's biting herself because of the elation she feels in her head(dream). Now, the dreams is taken over by the sensations her body feels as a result of her drinking her own blood. First, tummy grumbles, aka The bird tapping on her stomach. This is the early stages of digestion when it slowly starts to enter the stomach, typically the initial reaction to whatever you ate meeting the stomach acid. Once it hits the bottom of your stomach, you're experience pretty much peaks out and you might even feel completely normal/sober again once you use the bathroom. In Toga's case, the bird burrowing into her stomach was vivid and gross... but represented exactly what I described above. Long story short, her words are fucked up and there is no way to describe how truly fucked up she is. She sees something, gets hungry, and calls it cute! She confuses her urge to EAT with affection. She doesn't love anything... Hell, she did Twice dirty a couple times before he died. She is THE most psychologically fucked up case in this whole show... and I wish DC would have explored Harley Quin in a similar way. Ya know... focusing more on her insanity, but I digress...


Rob saying he’s “not a hater like some”, is hilariously incorrect. Like bruh, you are The Hater ™️