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I'm gonna leave this open to view for everyone in the event of new contributors and whatnot, but I wanted to have a more detailed breakdown of the general MO for these request sketches before I start em up.

Reference here for some idea of what these requests will be like.

  • Once your payment has gone through I'll put everyone on a list and pick the minimum 6 via raffle, I'll message everyone through Patreon and ask for their request. Once I have that 6 done if I have time I'll pick more, one at a time.
  • General rule for subject matter is: "If it's like something you've seen on my page before it's good; if not, ask anyway but have a backup idea in mind" in the event its something I'm not comfortable with. Things like Anthro or more lewd imagery are good examples; so it's still possible and worth asking but I wouldn't want to be shouldered with something I'm less confident at and end up half-assing it on you.
  • I can find references when I have to but if you have something particular in mind it'll make everything go smoother if you can provide references and details. Poses/scenes, character references, most importantly sizes/proportions, if you can provide these I can give you more what you're hoping to get.
  • Multiple characters is going to be really case-by-case. Small characters with little extra detail will be fine in most of the time (like with Annie and Mikasa shown above), but beyond a certain amount of detail I'll have to draw a line. Again, still keep ideas in mind but we may have to discuss image cropping or putting that request on the bottom of the priority list to get the other ones taken care of before tackling it.
  • Generally these will be done on stream in a similar fashion to the example provided above, though in that image they are cropped considerably; they'll be posted here individually full sized and a cropped collage will be what is posted on DA later.
  • In the event I won't have the time to do streaming I'll still try and get them done but they might end up being pencil sketches instead.

If there are any further questions feel free to ask here or message me on here or on DA.

Thanks friends, peace.



Thanks for laying out the ground rules on this, maybe not this month for me but next month maybe. :)


No worries, just want to be sure I'm clear with the setup and I wanted to have this out there for feedback, I am concerned about seeming unfair to anyone.