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8PM is the start time for tonite's stream! I'm gonna take a break from the calendar and be sketching primarily. Either headcannon stuff or exploring expressions for "The Question". 

Feel free to  swing by! 

Oh and here are some doodles + WIP:



🥺🥺🥺 the precious little artist bb My heart did a happy oof


The Nick sketch sketch is adorable.


And she does plant Nick! The streams have been crossed people... And yup, precious lil bebe artist is precious, as is his pic. And who is that vixen there? Is that Qal's mama Wilde I see? If so she looks great!

Colonel Arbuckle

Absolutely adore these doodles, Qal!! Wish I could've caught your stream today, but I can't wait to see what you sketched!


Nick: Things are getting WEIRD over here. Clawhauser: Oh come on, how bad can it be? Nick: Her perfume has fox pheromones!