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Dropping in to let folk know whats going on

Hoping to have an update soon, it's like 85% done

just, well, things are a real mess right now at home. 

So, I've been laid off at work. I felt it was coming, but still, thought there would be more time. My wife thankfully is the bread winner, but it's going to be a pretty tight budget for a bit here. Good thing I've already got a couple applications out on the winds with my UX certification course. Speaking of, the course has been really intense, most of my peers have dropped out. Just trying to keep my head above water as we near the finish line in October.

All while I'll be shooting out applications, so, fingers crossed.


To add to things my roommate has been going through some sort of mental health crisis and has been very difficult to live with the last weeks. It has us all, a bit shocked and uncomfortable in our own home, particularly with our baby's safety. So, we're sorting that out. Hoping for an amicable resolution.

To say the least, Insatiable Hearts fell to the back burner. I still write for it on my phone here or there when I'm away from the computer or between projects. So, just a few scenes left to write for this update, outside of that, it's just plopping it in and cleaning it up next I'm able. Goals are set for early next week once I catch my breath here

Thank you all, again, as always, for your ever generous support. It makes a big difference, especially now as I'm out of a job for the moment. I'm hoping to reward that generosity with an update real soon ~



Damn that must really suck, I hope things turn out amazing for you soon! ❤️


Prioritize your well-being, we can wait