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It's been a while since we last had a poll and I love data lol, so lets indulge a little.

For the next update I want to expand more on the current characters. Insatiable Hearts is broad but its not deep yet. Time to flesh things out where I can (although it's unlikely I'll be able to resist adding new characters and things spurious things (me adding in slot machines and fishing minigames, etc, oof) anyways lol)

I've got some ideas on where I'm headed in the next update, but for my reference I'd love to see which characters you all are most interested in seeing expanded upon ~

* characters with an asterisk are not major characters, but may still have their content expanded



Honestly, anything with the melapoids in general would be fantastic, especially if they started recognizing you as one of them if you tf'ed enough! Imagine if WE got stuck in the hive entrance for a change~

Moo Cow

Tired of Kip getting all the attention...