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Golly, it feels like every time I turn away I have new supporters coming in! I am so so thankful for all this support, it means a lot to me. I think, however, I might have had bad timing on my initial release of Insatiable Hearts as it was right before leaving on a vacation ahha. So I've had very intermittent internet access and haven't being able to keep up so much.

Either way, I'm working on a content update for y'all during the trip (here or there between sight seeing lol) and I'm hoping to have that fresh and ready to go in a couple days. It's going to include just a few small scenes, a new item and some breast growth/lactation effects added to the game. Some more scenes with blair and potentially the start of her quest being functional. I'll see what I can get going.

I'm still mulling over what like, size of updates I should aim for. Longer waits, but more done? Or short turn around, but just a few things each time. I'll aim for a happy medium, but it'll take as much trial and error as the game itself haha.

For now, I'm going to make the stable version of Insatiable Hearts ready for public play and I'll keep you posted for when the next unstable build is ready for yall to play before anyone else ~

Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm, it's really exciting to see people interested in my funky little personal project.


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