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The dungeon boss wasn’t just one body melded to another. There was no jarring line that went from tardigrade to humanoid. Rather, the front section of the torso simply raised upwards, freeing the front claws to act like arms.

As if a pill bug in reverse. Except the changes went deeper. Chitin formed sections of defensive plates on the arms as if it was wearing a couple of bucklers. As for the head?

It kept most of the features from a tardigrade, except for oh so wrong human style eyes. None of the party could even work up the nerve to refer to them as human-like, there was just something missing. More than just a lack of sapience, this monster lacked something deeper.

It isn’t like this is a dungeon feature either. There were more than enough recordings of various dungeon delvers. No, this deep sky monster had something more inherently wrong with it.

That didn’t change the fact they had to fight it. Plus, it was the dungeon boss and despite the trap, people had been clearing things. So once again, maybe they were the first to experience this, but they figured they weren’t that special in the scheme of things.

Though that did mean everyone saw this and decided not to comment on it. Either way, all they could do was fight. The party didn’t even have all that much prep that they needed to do. Jason just needed to let Lily down and they were ready.

This does catch Jason’s attention. “We should probably get some long form buffs or some such. Feels wrong going into a boss fight without any kind of prep needed. Since our resources are full, we just show up and start fighting.”

Courtney shrugs, “Except for my shadow thing, we all sort of went down the path of burst buffs. You, in particular, don’t really need otherwise. Longer term buffs tend to be weaker and best used if you aren’t going to be able to dodge or damage your enemy consistently.

“None of us, especially not you, have that problem. Sure, an extra few strength over the entire fight would be handy, but you are much better served spiking your power on a good blow. Though picking up an aura specialist would be the worst. Just constraining until their area of effect widens enough.”

Jason laughs, “As if an aura user with that big of an aura would need a group like us. They’re out joining armies and large-scale expeditions. It’s only those who are restricted to small areas that end up in parties.

“Not that we would be a good party for them. They’ll want a more compact party set up. You know, tank in front, healer in the middle, and ranged in back with everyone close enough together that they can reach out and touch one another. That way, they can concentrate their aura for a more impactful effect.”

Rosha rolls her eyes, “We would need to find someone trustworthy in the first place. No need to try and limit it to certain types of fighter. Now, how are we taking care of this bug?”

Jason shrugs, “Go in there and kick its butt?”

Courtney, “We don’t really need a plan for this. Part of what makes this a favorite for breaking through is the fact that the boss is just a sack of HP. That thing is a moderate sized boss who punches and body slams. Maybe some ramming if it is feeling spicy.”

Rosha, “Fair enough, so what are we waiting for?”

Jason walks into the arena, “I guess for one of us to do this”

And the fight is on. With someone entering, the boss seems to wake up and notice the party. Though unlike previous tardigroids, it stands still. Almost as if waiting for them, though the empty eyes tell a different story.

Jason shrugs and turns to Rosha who shrugs back before preparing a shot. Jason nods and begins to run towards the boss. As he advances over the barren landscape, arrows fly past him, one after another.

Those arrows are soon thwocking into the front of the boss. Well, the first few do. The pain seems to stir the boss into action.

With a dull roar, it begins to try and block the arrows with the chitin plates. Though not too successfully as most of its attention is on charging at the group. Not specifically at Jason, though he is currently in the way of it.

And Jason wasn’t going to let the boss forget him, either. As the boss charges towards him, its front lowered down to almost be running on the front arms, though they remain stretched forward to attack, Jason is ready.

Just moments from collision, Jason turns around and drops down into a deep squat. The boss’s claws scythe through the air above his head while more arrows thunk into it. Then he feels it slam into him, but he doesn’t give ground.

Instead, Jason slams both his Energy and his physical might down through his feet, which anchors him. Then his legs unfurl in a display of strength, lifting the charging boss up, unbalancing the beast. Though it is the last moment release of a body blast through the entirety of his back, that really gets it.

This burst of power tosses the boss onto its side as the monster’s momentum skids it across the sharp rocks. A streak of blood forms as its side is torn up. However, Jason isn’t in the best of conditions either.

While the boss wasn’t as big as some of the tardigroids they had seen in the fifth floor arena, it wasn’t small either. The strain placed on his legs and the massive impact of the boss on his back surely would have broken bones and incapacitated him.

As it is, Jason only lost a large amount of health points. Though his legs did take a funny shape for a moment. Good thing no one was looking too closely or the System might have cared.

Still, with such a large chunk of health gone, he was forced to retreat. Though in his place, Lily takes the lead. Her fur charged up as she leapt at the beast’s face.

How a non-sapient dungeon boss can fall to hubris is up for debate. What isn’t is the fact that the boss focused on trying to get up instead of blocking her. A terrible decision.


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