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       Tim sighed as he slumped back into the office chair, letting the inertia of the action cause the seat to swivel a bit until he was almost facing towards the left wall window and away from the desk. He had been cooped up in his office for the better part of the last six hours, looking over and analyzing the most recent operations reports for the company. His job was to look over these reports, whether they be internal data, policies, production or operational processes and work with the company’s management to make improvements wherever they could. Typically a job one would do from an office building, but Cro Corp. ran things a little differently than your typical corporate overlord, and that was mostly due to the guy that cracks the whip; Edward Crow, some “super genius,” billionaire that inherited the company some 20-and-a-half-odd years ago and has been the spearhead for the many new advances in various sciences, mainly tech and robotics. 

Tim didn’t know about any of that or how much of it was true. As far as the retriever was concerned, this ‘Edward’ fellow was just some abstract corporate stiff that just so happened to be sitting in the Big Chair. He’s never met the guy and the only interaction he’s had (if you can even call it that) was through those super rigid, deadpan emails the CEO occasionally sends out. 

But whether or not that was all true, the advances in technology that Cro Corp. provided were undeniable, proven by the very company laptop he had spent the last six-ish hours working on. They were apparently so high tech and so well secure and encrypted that the company had no issues in letting a grunt like Tim to occasionally work from home, which was nice, considering that today was Valentine’s Day. 

The not-so-nice part was that, whether at home or at the office, he still had a mountain of work to get through. He was hoping that he could get some of the more pressing reports out of the way so he could spend the day with his family, but one report finished leads to an hour long phone call with another departments team-lead, which then leads to another report, and another, and another… Tim felt bad, until Corban had stopped in a couple of hours ago to say that he was heading off with a few of his friends and likely wouldn’t be back until well into the evening. 

That still left Chris, but his husband had some busywork of his own to get done, leaving Tim to wonder if he should have just stayed in the office and saved himself the distractions that working from home entails. 

Clapping his hands over his cheeks in an effort to refocus himself, Tim turned back to his laptop. There was just a few more emails to send, a few more people to call, and he would be done for the day. He’s in the last stretch. Just a few more hours…


Chris opened the door to his and Tim’s shared office. It’s been strangely quiet in here since he’s gotten back from running errands about an hour ago, and he had begun to wonder if Tim had decided to go back to the office building. Finding the desk chair empty, Chris thought that might be for sure the reason until looking over and finding the black furred retriever taking a nap in the armchair while some cartoon movie played muted on the tv across the room from him. Chris glanced over at the hanging clock on the far wall: just past five. Tim must have finished with work early and wanted to take a little nap. 

He crossed the distance and stood next to the armchair, placing a hand on Tim’s thigh and giving it a few gentle rubs. “Hey…” Chris said softly. Tim was a light sleeper, so it didn’t take much to wake him up.

”Mmhhhh…” Tim hummed as he cracked a lavender eye open, finding Chris’s almost immediately. “Well hello there, handsome.” He said, moving his hands to sign the words on impulse. It was a habit they both got into nearly two decades ago, entirely for Corban’s benefit, and now it’s a conscious effort to not sign when their kid isn’t around. 

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Chris said, giving Tim a peck on the cheek, helping him wake up a little more.

”I’m surprised you remembered…” Tim said, pretending to be upset by folding his arms and pouting.

Chris chuckled swatted the retriever’s thigh that he was just rubbing. “Oh, yeah. I’m so~ sorry I’ve been so~ busy today,” Chris threw a meaningful glance at Tim’s work-laptop. “And didn’t have the time to spend with you.”

“Did you bring me flowers to make it up to me?”

“No, but I did bring home that extra stuffed burrito you like so much.” Chris said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder to indicate that the ‘gift burrito’ was in the other room. 

Tim gave an exaggerated sigh, putting his hand over his heart in fake, heartfelt surprise. “Oh, honey… You really do love me!”

Chris snorted and rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help the small grin playing at his lips. “Yeah yeah… So what’d you get me then?”

Tim pursed his lips, tapping a finger on his chin and pretended to think about it, as if he had forgotten something. “Hmmmm…. How about~…” He reached out a hand, catching Chris’s own and tugged him down to sit on the arm of the recliner. “How about another baby…” Tim growled, giving Chris a fiery, but still a joking look.

The beagle tugged his hand away, scoffing and trying to hide the small blush he was getting by looking away. “Smooth.”

”Wha- C’mon, I’m trying to be sexy here!” Tim complained, wrapping his arm around Chris’s side and grabbing his thigh, mostly to make sure Chris didn’t leave. 

“If you wanna be sexy, just sit there and look pretty without opening your muzzle. You’re more likely to get laid that way.”

”Hey! I still got game!” Tim said incredulously, before giving Chris another toothy grin. “I mean, I landed you, didn’t I?”

Chris rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, knocking me up in high school was certainly a surefire way of catching my interest… Tell me, does that work on the boys and girls you meet?”

Tim shrugs, not losing his dorky grin as he slowly pulls Chris onto his lap while using his other hand to rub Chris’s stomach and sides. “Just the pretty ones.”

Chris huffs and shakes his head, but leans into Tim‘s embrace and doesn't stop the retriever from kissing his neck and shoulder. “You’re awful.”

”Mhmm.” Tim hums, continuing his kissing and rubbing, getting more bold by the second as Chris feels a hand reach up under his shirt to cup his left breast. “Just the worst.” Tim mumbles into Chris’s neck and he digs his other hand past the waistband of the beagle’s pants and panties to give his pussy a few pets. 

Chris was almost instantly wet, and Tim could tell immediately. “See?” Tim said cockily. “I told you; I still got game, baby!”
