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Boe rubbed his temples in contemplation. What the hell was he supposed to do now? He was $49,872 in debt now that his parents disowned him and weren’t paying his student loans anymore. He had a part time job but it barely payed $240 a week and that’s before taxes. He’s in school for another 4 years before he can take his residency and earn certification before he can even start making any real money is the field he’s studying for, and that’s not even counting more of the loans he’s going to have to take out just to complete his degrees…

The marble fox slumped back in his desk chair, purposely looking away from the outrageous numbers on the papers before him. He contemplated how many jobs he could realistically work while still being able to study and go to classes on time, but no matter what combination of jobs or how much sleep time he mentally sacrificed, the numbers never ended in his favour.

He considered selling some of his things, but he didn’t really posses anything valuable. He thought about calling his grandparents back in Japan to ask for some assistance, but they weren’t made of money and besides that, didn’t know if they’ve side with him or his parents. Jessi had been buying Boe food for the past few weeks, and would be doing more if Boe let him, but the other fox wasn’t the most financially stable either for his own reasons, so Boe couldn’t rightly ask any more of him.

There was one person that came to mind that could make this whole problem disappear in a matter of seconds… For the briefest of moments, Boe considered calling Alex… The wolf had a strange infatuation with him and while they were friends once, Boe can’t say that he particularly likes the idea of being in debt to someone like… that…

He proposed a hypothetical to himself. Let’s say he did ask Alex for the money… how would it go down? Alex would certainly agree. To someone like that, financially supporting Boe would be pennies and dimes. But what would be the consequences? Alex would know that Boe wouldn’t be able to pay him back, at least not for another 6 or more years and even then, Alex isn’t the type to ask for money back. No, Alex would want favours. And Boe knows exactly what kind of favours Alex would want from him.

Alex has been nipping at the fox’s heels for years now, constantly asking him out or, more literally, into his bed. If it was just sex, well… Boe could probably live with that, but… how much is sex worth to someone who already has as much sex as they could ever want? How many times would Boe have to satisfy someone he dislikes? How long would he have to be under the wolf’s thumb? Or just… “under” the wolf in general?

Could he live like that…?

No… Boe shook his head, forcing that train of thought to derail. No, he’d rather starve than go begging to a jackass like him.

But even that’s not unrealistic, especially in this predicament…

There was another option. Boe heard a tiny voice in the back of his mind reminding him of the job offer he got a few weeks ago. He had been walking back to the dorms after his shift ended at the convenience store when he ran into his massive elephant who seemed to have been observing him as he got closer. Boe just thought he might be a creep at first, until the elephant introduced himself as ‘Junpei’ and explained that he owned a strip joint not far from there and said that Boe has the looks to be a performer there if he wanted to audition. Boe declined, but still politely took the elephants business card “In case you change your mind.”

The fox reached over to snatch his quite barren wallet from the side of the desk and fished out the business card from within. TRUNC in bid black letters adorned the front, and on the back was Junpei’s name and contact info. Boe turned the card over between his fingers absent mindedly as he thought about giving the elephant a call.

It’s not like he had a lot of options… and when he bumped into the elephant on the street, while he never said anything concrete, he did elude to a pretty hefty paycheck if Boe decided to work for him…

Boe sighed. It’s just an interview. If I don’t like what I hear, I don’t have to accept. He told himself. And with that, he pulled his phone from his pocket.


The following day, Boe found himself standing in front of the tall black doors to TRUNC. To the side of the doors was a glass panel describing the clubs open and closing times, almost each day read; OPEN: 8:00pm to 5:00am. Except Tuesday nights where they were always closed. Boe was concerned that the night shift might take too much time away from his sleep and study schedule, but Junpei had told him over the phone that his performers only worked 2-4 hour shifts, and only worked more if they wanted to.

Overcoming the nerves and trying not to think too hard about what he was doing, Boe turned and started walking around the building towards the back entrance where Junpei had said would be unlocked for him as it was still the middle of the day and the club wasn’t open yet.

Reaching the door and stepping through, Boe found himself in a dimly lit concrete hallway with big metal doors lining each wall. Junpei had told him to just come in, but Boe is just now realizing that he wasn’t told where to go after that.

He walked slowly down that hall, ears perked and listening to each door he passed to try and hear if there was any signs of life behind any of them. After making it about halfway down the hall, a door to the right at the end creeped open and out stomped the massive elephant. “Mh, ya made it!” He said, or more closer to shouted. The elephant spoke loudly and with confidence, which only reverberated off the enclosed hallway and concrete walls and made Boe reflexively drop his ears before realizing the gesture was a bit rude and forcing them back up.

“Nice to see you again.” Boe said politely, quickly closing the distance between then and holding out his hand for a handshake, which Junpei accepted, nearly lifting Boe off his feet in the process.

“Likewise! C’mon, lemme show ya the place real quick before we get started.” Junpei said, not wasting any time in showing the fox around.

Through the door at the end of the hallway, Boe found himself being led through another hallway, but this one was painted dark burgundy with a black carpet and much nicer looking doors. A floral scent permeated the air, poorly masking the underlying smell of cleaning chemicals. If anything, the area reminded Boe of the hallways you’d find in a hotel.

Through another set of doors and they were in the main club room. It was pretty impressive, plenty of tables and booths for patrons, several mini platforms and poles for the performers, one large stage to their left, and nearly every surface adorned with multiple lights. Off the right was a decent sized bar with a wall of booze behind it. Looking up, Boe saw the mezzanine floor that wrapped around 3 out the 4 walls of the room, four black spiraling staircases in each corner their means for access.

“Welcome to the main hub, where most of the action happens.” Junpei swept an arm before him. “We’ll have you on the side stages at first once we get you a bit of some dance lessons. Until then, you’ll just be bussin’ tables and socializing with the clientele for the first few nights. Get a feel for things ‘round here, yaknow?”

“Alright.” Boe said plainly as he scanned the room.

“How do you feel about groping?” Junpei asked suddenly, shocking Boe as he snapped his attention to the elephant. “I ask because this place can get pretty ‘hands-on’ if ya know what i mean. If touching is a no-no, you’ll be set up with a red collar and armband as part of your uniform. Clients know that means ‘no-touchy.’ If it happens anyways, you come tell me or any of the security guys and we’ll make sure it don’t happen again.” He explained.

Boe nodded, understanding while he thought about the question.

Not waiting for answer, Junpei continued. “You don’t gotta answer right now. You can decided whatever you want whenever. And besides, it’s not like it’s a one-time decision. You can always take or put the collar on whenever you want. Now, C’mon, let’s head back towards my office.” He said, turning around to back through doors.

“These,” Junpei said as they walked, waving his massive hand towards the doors on either side of the hall. “Are the Fuck Rooms. Customers can buy anywhere between 30 minutes to hour to bang in these rooms. They get cleaned and sanitized thoroughly after every visit. We got several different style of rooms too. Hotel style rooms. Tropical style rooms. Dungeon style rooms. You name it. Client’s can also pay to fuck the staff too. Anyone that wants to be on the list is on it, anyone that don’t want that kinda action is strictly off limits. I make sure that no one here is pressured into nothin’ they don’t wanna do and every act of fuckage under my roof is completely consensual.”

Boe’s ear twitched as he followed the elephant. Did I walk into a club or a brothel?

They made it back to the concrete hallway and stopped before the door Junpei entered from before. He waved his hand again down the hallway. “Most of those are changing rooms, rec rooms, and bathrooms. Nothin’ impressive and I’m sure you’re ready to get this audition goin’.” He commented as he opened the door and lead the fox into his office.

Compared to the rest of the building the office was surprisingly small and bland. The stone room didn’t have much other than a black leather couch to the left of the door, a large desk for its equally large user that held a desktop monitor and keyboard and two chairs, one behind, one in front, and a filing cabinet off in the far corner. Junpei walked around to sit at his desk gestured for Boe to sit opposite him.

“So, down to brass tax… hours are flexible, I make the schedule weekly every Tuesday, so get me your schedules requests before then and I’ll do my best to get you the nights you want. For the first week you’ll just have 2 hour shifts. After you’re settled in you can work as long as ya want. Like I mentioned earlier, You’ll just be takin’ orders and cleanin’ tables for the first couple nights and we’ll have some of the other performers show you the ropes and get you some lessons. Uhhh what else? Pay starts at $17 an hour and bumps up to $23 an hour after two months. Any tips you make are yours and yours alone, though performance tips get split up between all the dancers involved and I do take a cut outta that for commission. Any questions so far?”

Boe thought for a moment. “Is there any pay differences between someone who wears the ‘no-touch’ collar and someone who doesn’t?”

The elephant shook his head. “Nope. Not from me, anyways. Though someone who wears the collar typically makes less in tips than someone who doesn’t.”

Boe nodded. That makes sense. “And what about… uhm… having your name on the… ‘List”?”

Junpei smirked, keeping a level gaze into Boe’s eyes. “55% of the fees goes to me and the cleaning staff and supplies. 45% goes to the staff member getting fucked. For reference, the typical rate for a 30 minute session is $400, though the price depends on the day, and if there’s a bidding war or not. Among other factors… Talent, popularity, etc. That kinda shit.”

“Bidding war?”

“Yup. Doesn’t happen too often, but every now and then, a few clients might want to fuck one my staff and may want ‘first dibs’ if you will, on who can fuck em first. So the higher payer gets the first crack.”

Though his face was as neutral as it always was, Boe could feel his cheeks begin to redden at the thought of multiple people throwing money at him for a chance to get in his pants. Not so different from a certain wolf he knew, but the most important difference being that they aren’t him…

“And of course,” Junpei continued, spreading his hands over the desk. “The staff member in question always has the right to turn anyone down for any reason, even if their name is up on the list. Even if they make it as far back into one of the rooms and they change their minds, that’s it. And I’ve got plenty of security here on any given night to make sure it stays safe. Even got cameras in every room.”

The more Boe heard, the more tempting the job offer was. He wasn’t crazy about whoring himself out, but… The money sounded really good…

“What does…” Boe began to ask slow, double and triple checking with himself to make sure he knew what he was about to ask. “What does one have to do to be… qualified… for that sort of position…?”

Junpei’s grin widened as his hands disappeared beneath the desk. Boe could hear the sound of a belt unbuckling and a zipper unzipping as the elephant stood up from his chair. “That,” He said, tucking his thumbs under the waistband of the black underwear he wore as he slowly stepped around the desk. “Requires a different-…” He pulled the hem of the under way down, revealing a gargantuan sized cock, and tucked the hem under the equally large balls. “-type of audition…” He said, stopping just in front of Boe as the fox caught a whiff of the man’s scent. “If you’re interested in expediting the process, that is.”

Boe gulped. Even soft the elephants cock was bigger than his forearm. He considered backing out. There was no way he could go through with this, until an image of the bills spread across his desk reminded him why he was here in the first place…

Looking up into Junpei’s dark, eerily blue eyes, Boe stole himself and reached up, grasping the impossibly massive meat before him…




Huffffffff 🥵🥵🥵