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Hi everyone,

I know it was hard to wait after the heavy cliffhanger of last week, but here finally the next part ;)

And you can find all others of Pics of Cyrusia's Adventures in the Archive File here :




Let me give you a round of applause for these last two texts you've done, they were so intense and I was completely absorbed reading them, almost as much as reading my manga ahah you have a real narrative talent! There's everything in this text and I don't even know where to start, Elincia is INCREDIBLE, she's very powerful and she has a cold head, in just a few seconds and in such an intense situation she still thought about using an ice attack so as not to trigger the explosion of the Weezing, what a woman! I also love how Cyrusia reacts when her sister tells her that the police are coming ^^ And the ending is just intense too, the mask that Elincia was keeping for her little sister has fallen off and now she's understandably furious! Petrel is going to regret what she's done!

Mark Maben

Articuno: "get a load of dis bisch"