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So Ring has won and my primary hard drive is fail. My motherboard has been acting a bit finnicky the past months, but some files are starting to fall to corruption and its time has come. Everything is already backed up on an external and online drive so it's not breaking any projects or any disaster like that. I'm honestly happy the hard drive lasted so long as it's gone between some computers now and has been overwritten to hell and back over the past 6 years or so. I was also running off about 460GB of space on that so an upgrade will end up being nice, and the storage drives can still move over. 

So the current plan is to do a bit of shifting and the long delayed Homeworld Deserts of Kharak video will be up next. I'll likely follow this up with The Callisto Protocol, and then get cracking on more recording for the next RPG video over winter. If Callisto ends up being bugged to hell or runs terribly or some other kind of disaster scenario, I'll find something else to fit in instead since at that point I might as well wait for it to get polished up. After that, I'd like to do a video on the Dead Space remake which I think will fit nicely directly after Callisto. The remake won't be out until the third week of January and I'm not sure they'll be giving out any early review keys for me to have a day 1 video, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks as always for your support!


Jeanette H

Ring is cursed. Thank you for your sacrifices, Mandy o7

