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EDIT V2: I re-encoded the video and re-uploaded it since some people can't watch the video. I think it should work on any devices now.

EDIT: Please use this link:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QUgQDr3q7LE3oIH7YrGZa_rwEbzLjjvl?usp=sharing 

Note: if the preview doesn't work, please download the video.

I thought it would take me a week to make a finished model, oh sweet summer child. I just spent 2 weeks straight and I'm not done yet! lmao  😂  The model probably doesn't look like Iris Heart too much because I'm trying to model her in my own style and I still can't perfectly recreate what I draw in 3D.

I'm going for a shadeless type of rendering for my models (meaning I'm painting the textures by hand and I can't rely on realtime lighting) because I want to keep close to my 2d style as much as possible. That and it's simpler this way especially if I want to use them for a game (because I only need a single texture, versus say a standard current-gen setup where you typically need 3+) I lose some of the neat lighting effects but hey, keep it simple, sweetheart :3

I've spent close to 70 hours working on this model and I feel like I'll need another 30 hours to really polish this up and fix mistakes ie. wonky hands, nonexistent feet because I already struggled with hands so no more limbs lmfao, make a proper rig (I used a quick and dirty rig to pose this), and etc etc

It's grueling... but very rewarding, especially when things start to look right! But man, I still have a a long, looooooong, way to go  ( ̄︿ ̄) I'm prepared for the journey but right now, I'm taking a quick break from 3D because I want to draw! I need to go back to my comfort zone to recuperate from the punishing learning curve of 3D.

Anyway, I'll start the fanart suggestions on a separate post. For now I hope you like the 3d WIP preview!


videos - Google Drive



Very nice so far. Good job


I think it's my phone video codec but I am not able to play it well (all is in black), I'll try on home


For someone who started to learned 3D few months ago, this is really a great work ! Continue like this :D


"Video type not supported"


I'm also getting "video type not supported"


Got it to run in VLC, looks good!


Awesome! I re-encoded and reuploaded and I think it should work with any devices now.


I really want to get good at 3D so I'm givingit my all. Thank you! ^_^


That's extremely impressive! It's honestly such a joy and inspiration to see your passion for your craft in my inbox after few weeks. I can't wait to see how your 3D art develops and where it takes you.


Thanks a lot man, hearing that made my day! I'm really excited with 3D art myself, I have so many plans with 3D going forward. It's going to take a while, but I can't wait to put things together to make stuff that I've only dreamed of before ^_^