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I want to make this quick, we were hit by a pretty strong typhoon last friday nght that lasted until sunday. I'm fine but to this day we still have no power. I thought we woulsnt be affected too much but i underestimated the typhoon. For those who are curious, i live in the Philippines.

Needless to say the august rewards are delayed yet again. Im really sorry for the delay but right now i simply cant work. Again my apologies but rest assured ill finish the rewards as soon as power is back (hoping it comes back today, this is the 4th day were without power)

Lastly there will be major changes with my patreon. Namely and this is huge, I will be ditching the Fanart Polls to focus on personal art/projects.    If you pledged to my patreon for the fanart polls i understand if this turns you off and stop pledging, thats completely fair. I sincerely thank you for your support but I want to take a different direction.

I will explain this more once power is back (currently on a cafe posting on my phone).

I will definitely finish the August rewards but that will be the final fanart poll. I will also be  suspending patreon charges for september so you wont be charged on October 1st. I will continue to post on october onwards so you can see which direction im going for and you can decide if you want to continue supporting my art then. but again if you pledged for the polls then its only fair if you want to cancel your pledge. I will still send you the august rewards.

I understand this is sudden but thanks to the typhoon i have thought about a lot of things. Thanks and talk to you soon guys. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments and ill get back to you once everything is back to normal.



Dear Sen, I think everyone is happy to know you're healthy and you, your family and friends are hopefully okay. I wouldn't mind being charged for next month given how a Typhoon always takes something, causes damage and that doesn't get repaired for free given how not everyone can afford insurance against such damages and even then it takes time to be paid out. Please don't worry and focus on being and staying safe for now. People appreciate you beyond your wonderful art.


I have family in the Philippines and two of my cousins had their exams cancelled so this is definitely understandable, typhoons are a pain. I personally pledged to support you yourself as I like your style. While it's a shame you won't be making fanart polls anymore, circumstances were kind of pushed upon you. I'm wondering though : do you think this is a definitive answer or you may redo such polls at some point ? Like, if you manage to make good progress on your personal projects and get into a pace comfortable enough to manage them I mean. Regardless, keep up the good work ! 😄


Glad you're safe. There is a lot of my wife's side of the family in the Philippines, so she's been worried about their wellbeing in the aftermath of the typhoon. However long it takes you to get back in the swing of things isn't a concern. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. As for the state of the Patreon, I view it as supporting the artist and what they want to create. We're not here to tell you what to make, but to help you be able to spend more time creating what you want (and drooling at Wiz titties).


Do what you need to do man. Your safety is a hell of a lot more important than these August rewards ever could be. Worry about that when you need to.

El Repuesto

Glad that you are fine, your safety and family's safety is always priority overall. We will wish you the best, and I'll keep supporting you as much as necessary.


Glad you're okay and that you want to continue with your art! I'd love to see more of your projects in the works.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-20 21:22:03 Lots of love for you and your family by me! <3 Also no matter what you do, I pledged to see all kinds of your art regardless what it is! :3
2018-09-19 18:42:16 Lots of love for you and your family by me! <3 Also no matter what you do, I pledged to see all kinds of your art regardless what it is! :3

Lots of love for you and your family by me! <3 Also no matter what you do, I pledged to see all kinds of your art regardless what it is! :3


Thanks for the offer man but it just doesn't sit well with me since there are other less fortunate victims. I really appreciate the thought though, thank you! ^_^


Hope all your family are safe! And thank you for your kind words man, I really appreciate it. As for the fanart poll, for now it's a firm no. But who really knows. Thanks!


Thank you for your support! I hope your wife's family are safe. I honestly might have mixed up how I see my Patreon, in that I was doing it for an audience versus doing to for my own craft. Thank you for your support and I'll do my best going forward! Wiz is love ( ´ ω ` )


Thanks for understanding man. I managed to be safe so I will be able to deal with the rewards soon. Thank you for your support!


Me and my family are all safe, thankfully. And I'm very happy to hear your support. I'll do my best!


Thank you man. If there's something that will never change in me, that's I will always keep doing art ( ´ ω ` ) I'll have more news about my projects soon, stay tuned!


Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear it, I'll keep doing my best ( ´ ω ` )