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And there we have it. We're having two Sabers... err Blondies for September! Ah Darkness, I just have the perfect theme for her hint: it involves ropes (❛ᴗ❛)

And once again, Nep wins the other poll, no surprises there. I feel like Neps should have a different poll because they just dominate any poll they're in. Personally, that makes me happy because there can never be enough nep art but at the same time I have to think about variety too.

I apologize for being late again, I'm going to be extra late this time but I hope to deliver everything by next week. I wanna say I have an excuse, but honestly I just wasn't feeling a lot of my drawings so I couldn't bring them to finish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I'll do my best though, I can't have these sitting forever!

That's all for now, here's a Purple Heart WIP for now (`・ω・)ゞ




Think a separate nep poll would be a good idea since it’s clear a good proportion of your patrons really like them. If you wanted to keep the same number of drawings you could alternate between sfw and nsfw each month


Actually a separate poll is out of the question at the moment, I mean I'm already behind _(:3」∠)_ But yeah I might alternate them in polls to give other characters a chance.