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Hi Stars, so this update might come as a bit of a surprise to some folks, but I thought it was best to put it out there.

So, effective at the end of May, I’ll be taking a long hiatus from Patreon. That’ll mean that the page will be shut down from the end of May, until I’m ready to return in a few months or longer. Since this is obviously quite a dramatic change, I’ll go over some likely questions and answers below.

What if I’m a patron?

When the month ends, the page will close, and you won’t be charged for any subsequent months. If you want access to any of the variants and unique images, I’d advise getting a hold of them now. Otherwise, I’ll be launching an image pack on Gumroad with all of the variants and unique images in it, at around the same cost as the lowest tier on Patreon.

What about Deviantart? Will we stop seeing new art?

No. Art will continue to be uploaded on Deviantart. I’ll also be expanding to twitter and Pixiv with my art, aiming to have more of a front facing focus on my social media pages.

What about WIPs? Will they ever be finished?

Yes. Works in progress will be finished, but likely after May ends. Once they’re done, they’ll be uploaded on Patreon.

How will this affect the art we see?

A lot. You’ll start seeing me tackling bigger projects, as well as things like picture packs and similar ventures. Taking the time to do this now is the best move I can make. It gives me the space I need to improve my artwork, and explore things I couldn’t under a deadline. I might even reopen commissions to the public.

Will Patreon ever come back?

Yes. My current prospects are to take some time to get my life in order and improve my artwork, and to return some time in late 2022/early 2023. If all goes well, I’ll be coming back to Patreon as a better person, and a better artist.

As I’d said before, this is a pretty major change in the direction of my art journey. I’m extremely thankful for what I’ve built with my social media over the past few years, and for your incredible support in doing it. And now, I’m hoping that I can take the time to make my art even better for you.

Thank you all for your time, love, and support. Comment below if you have any questions, and I’ll respond.


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