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And with this are 9, missing to draw 4 more. Hope you like it!




Thank you for the drawing EN ^-^ If anyone is interested in her backstory: she used to be an office secretary and she was sexually harassed by her boss. The police never took her charge seriously because her boss was so powerful. So she decided to take matters into her own hands and lured her boss to a back alley and kidnapped him. Afterwards she killed him... By pouring molten gold into his throat. After her first murder, she continued her revenge driven actions against the rich until she was finally caught. During her trial the judge acknowledged that she acted out of revenge, but he also found her actions unspeakable so he sentenced her to death. Although her only regret is not making more victims...


Welp that's what happens to most serial killers. How much time does she have left before she gets her turn in the chair?


I guess, haha. Revenge or not, her actions were cruel. And she still has some months to get her appeals in order. But I am afraid that won't save her.


any chance of a not upside down version?