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  • Sleepy Sunday Ramble No. 117.m4a



A final farewell to this trailer season.... and my old trailer....



There is a time for everything and that of your old trailer is now over. You take the memories with you. Take an item from the old trailer with you to the new trailer as a good luck charm. The pictures you posted are breathtakingly beautiful! It's just a shame that the season is over. The best is yet to come. Silence, just the wind blowing through the almost bare trees and the rustling of the leaves on the ground. and only the beautiful sunrise and sunset. Evenings by the fireplace, cuddled up in a blanket with a Lumumba (hot chocolate with booze) in hand ... I hope you enjoyed the last night and made it home safely

Stephanie Smith-Thomas

Rest in peace old trailer! You & Hank had some good times together. I hope you truly enjoy your last weekend at the trailer park & get the mental & physical rest that you need. Later, have fun & stay safe, Hank.😊