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  • Voicemail- Sweet Dreams.m4a
  • Voicemail- Sweet Dreams.m4a



I was thinking about last night......




I know this is an old audio but.. *sigh*.I always try to be nice and respectful because I admire your talent to make this scenarios so realistic and your voice is beautiful and again, I want to be good and not say anything indecent. So I find this audio very impolite because how does anyone expect me to manage that? I enjoy writing comments because I believe that if you enjoy any form of artistic expression leaving feedback is the polite thing to do. But this is anything but nice and clean so I'm going to curse very loudly in spanish into my pillow and leave it at that.


My mother is sleeping in the next room over, Hank, how could you torture me like this? That first “hi” sent chills throughout my entire body. 🖤 All I can do is agree with what the other comments say because I am honestly speechless. ☠️