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The Dark Room  

Some of you like audios that are shall we say....darker in nature and yes I most certainly do them (they aren't all bfe, friends to lovers, etc). Sometimes I do go to the other side of the spectrum and I used to post them here.   

However because of the restrictions that are imposed on creators under the posting guidelines of p@treon I've had to remove them and that's unfortunate because I know that there are more than a few of you who enjoy a walk on the more adrenaline inducing side of things. 

Yes I'm being a bit vague but I do have to be very careful about using certain terms and descriptions on here so I'm hoping you get what I'm talking about.   My only real work around has been to start a channel on my discord called The Dark Room where you'll find all of my audios of that nature.   

I do realize that many of you are not interested in being part of discord but you can still access all of this content by simply joining and going through the very easy verification process after which you can simply access and enjoy these audios without having to participate in any of the chat rooms.   

If you're interested simply follow this link to obtain your discord role and follow the verification procedure of the dark room once there.  


I would prefer no comments here.... thank you   

If you have any questions you can ask here   



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