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Hello ladies ♡ As most of you know, since the beginning of this journey Pepper has been my right hand and the admin. It is not without a little sadness that I have to announce that she is leaving us. Although it is with a little sadness, what is really happening is that things for her are taking off and she is well on her way on her own journey and I couldn't be happier for her. I never would have reached this level without her and for that, I could never thank her enough and I and I'm sure all of us wish her nothing but success and happiness ♡  

That being said.... things are taking some incredible and exciting turns here. It definitely wasn't an easy decision to decide who would fill her shoes but after much discussion we realized that the perfect person to do just that was right here.   

So would you please join me in welcoming our new admin as well as our already established "tech goddess" Teya!!  She and I are already well into many changes for the future which will make things even better :)  

Welcome aboard Teya :)


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