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My boys! how you doing? hope everything's alright, well, i just wanted to post this now cuz i'm really tired of my situation, i got treated few days ago for an aritmia problem (i don't know how to translate it) i'm okay now, but i'm suffering some shakes on my both hands, but, just when i'm tense or nervous, so i decide to focus only on my patreon content without taking more commissions (just highest tier patreons only), and of course personal projects with friends who support me since the begining.

so, i'll do polls so you can choose the future content for my patreon, and feel free to give me suggestions of course , for example: 

what you want to see this month?: 

-The Sexy joke 2 new pages 

-The Sexy Joke 1 remake

- Sweet Tip new pages .

about the pending commissions, that's why i don't want to take new commissions until i finished the pending commissions, so thanks for you patience, guys... 

oh on other note, my Twitter account is blocked, i don't know why, i don't know who wanted to login, the thing is when i tried login on the site i recieve a message that my account doesn't exist , so that sucks...but i just want to stay calm, my body need it, so i'll make a new one tonight maybe and i'll share it here.

so ,that's all guys, i'm tired, so fucking tired, i hate my condition, i just want to drawing and improve my skills to share with you guys, anyways, thank for your time and stay safe! enjoy the content! 




Glad you're still here to write to us and safe. I'm sorry about the condition and let me know if there is anything I could do to help. I'd love anything made but hell, The Sexy Joke 1 remake is tempting since it's how I learned about you. Let's see how that goes along since I'm sure it'll be easier for you. As for the Twitter account, have you tried contacting their help desk? They could try and help somehow with your email still intact. Otherwise let me know once it's up and ready and I'll help spread it as best as I can. Cheers and take your time with yourself. Much support and thoughts to you, my friend.


Sorry to hear about your whole situation parvad and the twitter thing is weird and stinks but hang in there man we are here for you! ☺👍🏻


it sucks you've had to deal with all this man, at least you've been sticking through all this and trying ur hardest, i know you can make it through what your dealing with! As for what I'd like to see I would really love to see the sexy joke 2 finished, its my fav thing from you and it just keeps getting better and better. stay good dude


I thought something bad happened cuz I haven't gotten any replies Hope you get better mate! I'll be glad to hear any updates if you have time


Lamento escuchar que tienes el problema de la manos bro, aun así me alegra escuchar que puedes dibujar aunque no sea al ritmo que quieres, ya veraz que las cosas iran a mejor puerto :)


Glad you’re doing better! I vote for more of TSJ2!


could you please check your email if you get my response?


Thank you so much my man! you know i always be grateful with all you help and support, about the Twitter thing, i send a message but they say my accound was deleted and i can't use my email ,so i decide to do another account, i don't want to stress myself anymore, so i'll post it here on patreon


Thanks man! i appreciate your words and i'm grateful that you like that project, i got to say it helps a lot to make my drawings better and better ,thanks again!


Hey man. Sorry to hear you're still having a tough time. Wishing you nothing but the best and hope you are returned to full health and happiness as soon as possible.


All your latest artwork releases have been phenomenal! Thank you. My vote would also be for more pages of TSJ2, but whatever you decide will have my full support!


In regards to commissions- can I ask, will you still be working to finish my Batman/Vixen piece and the other page of my Princess Leia comic? Thanks!