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Hey guys! how've you been? how's everything? i hope it's all alright for you, well i want to be clear, maybe some of you know (some of you probably not) i was suffering some health issues, you know, stress, feeling weak, headchakes, etc...Well, the thrut is, i did some medical checks and Doctors detected some irregularities on my Heart (don't worry, i'll not die haha) to be more specific a problem with my blood preasure plus a heart problems ... so basicly i'm off of my work for these problems for a time , and it helps a lot to my recovery, i had to quit smoking, eat more healthing stuff and change some things on my regular day, so well, i want let you know everything.

it's not really easy to say all of this, cuz i was pretty insecure waiting the worst, this explains a lot of my weakness last year.

Anyways, thank you for all your support through these months, worring about me, liking, sharing and commenting my art, i want to give a huge thanks for all new supporters here, as i always say i really appreciate it! thank you so much for your time, and well, i got some art i want to share with you guys, i'll post this later for the upcoming stuff on my patreon, see you later and take care!




Como siempre es un gusto escucharte Parvad :) Me alegra que luego de los chequeos te encuentres mejor y sepas con certeza que estaba ocurriendo. Sigue cuidándote para estar al 100% pronto y no puedo esperar a ver lo que tienes preparado a futuro 👍🏻


Hope it all gets better and welcome back!


Damn parvad that really stinks youre having health issues but its good you caught them now instead of later. Heres to a speedy recovery my friend! Just take it easy and rest so you can get back to 100%. The art can wait 😃


Hey mate! Wishing you all the best. Hope you get the rest and relaxation you need, and are feeling better soon. Thanks for keeping us updated. Can't wait to see what you produce next!


You know I already said my piece on this before but I'll say it again: proud if you for making the change for the better and you always have my support. Please continue to look after yourself and looking forward to your stuff again. No pressure and know you're awesome, my dude.


Hello I'm new here and can't help but say you take your time to recover I know the same way as well it's rough but you can get through this be strong my friend 😇


Are you still feeling ok right now?