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Hello people, how are you? Well, I had a couple of questions to ask, but first I want you to let me know how is the comic going so far? let me know!

and in other questions, what suggestions do you have? What do you think of the panel division? Would you like them to be less? with more big drawings or maybe with more approaches, what do you think about the colors? If you have any suggestions, comment here below!


Hola gente,  como va? bueno, tenia un par de preguntas por hacer, pero primero quiero que me hagan saber que tan va el comic hasta ahora? haganme saber!

y en otras preguntas, que sugerencias tienen ? que opinan de la división de paneles? les gustaria que fuesen menos? con mas dibujos grandes o talvez con mas acercamientos, que opinan de los colores? si tienes alguna sugerencia comentala aqui abajo!



I actually think the pacing and panel division is very good. All of your colors tend to be bright and vibrant, but not in a distracting way. It actually lends itself beautifully with your art style. I'll admit there are times when using multiple instances of the same panel can be very effective (for example, using 3 panels or so to show a woman's lips sliding up and down a cock, which basically puts heavy emphasis on the act itself, and can make it very intimate and sexy). However, there are also times when large panels provide the perfect view of a particularly erotic scene. I think you already have an excellent grasp on when to use both, and the scenes never really feel like we are jumping around too quickly. Hope this helps :)


I third the sentiment. Just keep up the good work and you'll have nothing to worry about.


go, thanks for the criticism! It really helps me to improve I hope not to disappoint anyone in future projects! so I have nothing left to say but "thank you" for your support!