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Some of you might have noticed that I haven’t posted the Your Dress-Up Fantasy audios to PsstAudio yet. There’s good reason for this, although this notice should have gone up some time after the last part went up. Still, it’s important I explain everything right now before I keep letting it off.

I just want to assure you guys, this is something I've been considering for the last several months, although it's been since the start of May that I've decided to go ahead with this decision.

But from here on out, I won't be putting the audios out for public access, at least not as soon as I had been doing with the two months early access. It might be longer than that, depending on how things go.

Allow me to explain: When I chose to do the public releases, I thought it would be a good way to help promote the content on my Patreon, as I even included a goal for letting the audio get released sooner than that. I thought maybe there would be some incentive, that if we can help support the content, there was a bigger chance that it would be out sooner. No two month wait or anything getting in the way.

And then the turning point that was August of 2020 happened: I was looking to leave Patreon after seeing other NSFW content creators get bopped off the page, went to Fanbox and Subscribestar, and while some jumped over to those platforms I still saw a major loss of supporters off of Patreon. Come September of that year, when there were still a lot of people clinging onto Patreon without refusal to jump over to the other places.

I'll admit, that was my fault, but after I felt the pressure of leaving so many people hanging I went back to Patreon, using it alongside the other two platforms, and I think it's a combination of leaving, coming back, and splitting my releases between three sites that hindered growth altogether. May, when I wrote this, seemed to be my best month in a long time, so I thank those of you who joined then and are still on board!

But back to the audios: as I've said before, the money that comes from the support sites has been used to help make these little exotic dramas. Sometimes it can get pricey because I choose to go with the rates the VAs provide, but it's worth every penny. Hell, I love doing some damn ambitious things with the medium because it's not something you can convey with just the stories on their own. The horror trailer for Monika's Revenge and being able to spread out the My Dress-Up Darling parody and tell a story without sex until the very end have been great experiments, and I want to do more of those.

And if having all of that become exclusively behind a pay wall is what I have to do to make it better and work on the quality, well, then so be it.

But I've also become aware of something after a bit of time: a lot of people will usually sign up just to get the audio for that month, and then leave. It's made me realize that most people aren't going to stay around for the month or longer even with more incentives than just the audio. So I've considered that I might also have to go with another option for distribution of these audios, mainly Gumroad.

Yes, I know, I know, Gumroad has done some lousy things earlier this year, but as it's one of the larger places I can put this content out on, it's probably one of the best possible options I could go with. Plus, I don't know any other places that automatically splits residuals between the people that make the content and the others who lend their hand.

I’m still working out the kinks that these changes will bring, but for now the drill is thus: while pricing will be different on Gumroad due to all the content I plan to put in, I'll still keep them here on the support sites for the $1 tier supporters through the rest of 2022. Once January hits, however, they will permanently be moved to the $3 tier.

So, when will the audios be posted on Gumroad, then? Whenever I can get around to giving it a look as a content creator, but I’m also waiting until I fix up at least just a little bit of the SFX. I just want to be certain that the sounds are usable under the site and the supports, since it’s a whole different beast compared to putting them on a paywall and then putting them up for free just a few short months later.

That's all for now! I hope you guys are looking forward to these changes!


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