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Hey guys. I've been seeing some people deleting their pledges already, but I want to make sure everyone remembers to move to Fanbox after you've done so, or at least continue supporting from there by the end of August.


These reminders will be constant, I'm afraid, because I want to make sure you're aware that if we don't keep up with the previously reached goal, I can't continue to publish the audios publicly. This month there was enough balance between here and those who moved to Fanbox that allowed me to do so, but if we don't keep up with that I won't be able to give the 9Dress series or the Target audio a chance to be heard on Pornhub.

I'll admit I probably did screw up how we'd be moving to Fanbox, but I just want to make sure everyone remembers, I'm not leaving these kinds of sites entirely, just leaving for greener pastures.

So remember, if you delete your pledge here to move over to Fanbox when you have the chance. Thank you again.


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