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omg it's started guys! It strangely went by pretty fast :) i forgot Hui was here! Excited to see my guy, even though i know he doesn't make it. Already adopted some trainees too. 



Jennifer Gonzalez

your excitement whenever you see and recognize them is sol cute haha, and so me when rewatching lol-


yessss we love ollie in this household, he's currently in a survival show in china (called 'asia super young') and he's doing really well, he's been in first place for the entirety of the show so far. He's also still really close with the yuehuaz (hao, ricky, gyuvin, and yujin) and we get to see them interact and mention each other a lot. In one of their recent behind the scenes videos we even see hao and ricky FaceTiming him 😭. And I'm also so excited for you to see why hanbin and hao are so popular together, like I'm truly shocked you haven't learnt the lore yet hahaha, we joke that boy's planet was literally just made so they could met each other lmao. Their first debut teaser (before literally anything else was released) was genuniely just a video of them two staring at each other hahaha, that's how popular and in demand they were/are. Once you start watching vlogs and more bts content, you'll see them together A LOT more. They're literally attached at the hip lol. Thanks for the reaction!

Donshay Stewart

Mann this is bringing back all the love I have for jay and gunwook this is when they both became my picks


zhang hao was 1st in the end btw! first non-korean p01 centre on an mnet survival show in history, everyone was absolutely gagged. even though they definitely tried to rig it in other ways (editing and selectively releasing info about rankings), it’s how we know the voting itself wasn’t rigged because no way in hell would they have allowed a chinese trainee to win otherwise


Still not sure what you have "against" Hanbin, but hoping you can root for him like you do all the boys!


beomhan isnt on boys planet maybe u got him confused with jay theyre friends and from the same company and when gunwook talked abt receiving harsh criticism in episode he meant online he got s lot of hate from episode 1 to 4 but he „redeems“ himself after that


a few ppl to look out for imo (= my picks while it was airing) : haruto: hes a great rapper dancer and performer junhyeon: hes gonna perform in the next episode hes a bit crazy pls dont mind him but he’s very talented and he’s gunwooks best friend it wont be shown until later episodes but they were hanging out a lot before we even got their first interaction on screen he has 2 solos and his future group has a predebut ep out if you’re interested in reacting to it after finishing bp woongki and seowon: they’re a package deal lmao haruto calls them unnies that should tell u pretty much all u need to know + seowon is in an active group rn and nine.i make really good music ollie: hes such a gem honestly he was my one pick until he got eliminated and when i tell you i cried like never before he is so precious to me i know you love him now but pls dont give up on him + keits but yk to look out for him already this wasnt everyone i was rooting for but theyre them main ones who have decent screentime and stay long enough for you to get to know them a little


Ricky was very popular since all of the pre-show content came out but didn't get much screentime for a while so other popular trainees overshadowed him for a bit, but he had a very loyal fanbase that thankfully managed to get him up in the final 9 :)


And yeah the harsh criticism Gunwook was talking about on kstarnextdoor was online... at this point in the show people either loved him or hated him, very little in between. Many people didn't like him for his confidence here.


Jay's friend (Kamden) had a full rap verse cut from the show but its in the full version of the performance on youtube. I guess mnet wanted to showcase Jay more


Hanbin honestly acts the complete same as he did during this show 😭 just a sweetheart 24/7!


what you were saying about the leader vs emotional leader in zb1 is interesting. personally i think hyung line (jiwoong - hao - hanbin) have kind of a 3-way leadership thing going on. hanbin is obviously the official leader (and he is genuinely very kind in real life according to everyone who is ever asked about him) but yeah hao is very open w/ his emotions (honestly we don't get to see that very much on bp? he said that he was very careful and deliberate about all his actions on the show, but he has really opened up post-debut) and jiwoong is the most experienced in the group bc aside from being the oldest he has debuted previously. it's clear from watching zb1 content and hearing the other members talk about them that all three of them play a role in supporting the others, making sure they get where they need to go, providing feedback during practice, making sure the younger members get enough attention, etc. it's a really unique dynamic.


as a junhyeon one pick I'm so excited to see her reaction to him but also nervous lol, like I promise he's an absolute sweetheart, I hope she doesn't take him the wrong way lmao


junhyeon was in my top3 from the beginning and i adore him so much so i need her to like him like i get his antics might throw some ppl off but pls hes just an overly excited bundle of joy


im so excited for this! if im not wrong hanbin was already 1st in voting before this episode so i believe this ep was just edited this way to cater to the public. i dont think he was put down or pushed for screentime a lot but we will see! hao is soo cute on here but was kind of "closed off" so u can guess why we were kind of surprised when his huge unique personality came out after he debuted. made us fall for him even more <3.


i thinkwhat gunwook meant was that his attitude and confidence werent really received well by netizens at the time


ur gonna find out here but gyuvin (and hao) are the biggest cry babies of the group lmao


So the G-group members were mostly split by where they're from (by country or region of a country) so a lot of those guys actually met the guys they were performing with for the first time through this show, like USA's Jay and Kamden weren't a group or trained together prior to preparing for this show. WakeOne and Yuehua were the only ones who sent their trainees as their own groups because they sent several trainees, hence why Ricky was groups with them. Lol yeah, 4/9 members of Zerobaseone are from YueHua Ent. I feel like, whatever thought you had about Sung Hanbin, you really need to set it aside and just see him as a new person. You are correct that MNet can sway vote based on how they edit it and Sung Hanbin getting that glamerous solo shot does help him. But I promise you that was not the reason why he got in to the group. Sorry! I know you're probably tired of people jumping on you about Hanbin, but it just feels like you're misunderstanding him (idk how to put it). Like I'm not even Hanbin biased and I just feel the need to defend him and his place in the group. Anyways, I hope through this show you'll understand why Hanbin is so talked about. And yes, there were 2 Hanbin on this show, Sung Hanbin and Park Hanbin. When this show was airing fans were differentiating the two as "Shanbin" (Sung Hanbin) and "Phanbin" (Park Hanbin). Cha Woongki looks familiar to you probably because he used to be in TO1 and was on Road to Kingdom. Another face you might recognize is Jeong Ichan, he was on I-land but went by Jaebom at the time. Lol way you finally realize Jay wasn't "crindge" when he started singing. Yes he has one of the best vocals in the show. And Kamden did have parts in the performance but Mnet cut it out and made it more Jay focused. So Yuehua is a Chinese based company, they're actually a huge company. They have like a Korean branch which is how they've dipped in to the Korean market in recent years. The K-group and G-group guys here actually train together so they're not actually rivals, the show just split the Koreans from the non Koreans to create this whole K vs G shit. I'm sure you've noticed, MNet tries really hard to push this whole Koreans vs Global trainees agenda for several episodes and from the looks of it, NO ONE (including the viewers and the trainees themselves) liked that. But don't worry, it does eventually go away. So song choices, the songs were actually chosen by the producers and thesse guys were basically told what song to perform and apparently some of the guys had their song switched last minute so they didn't have a lot of time to prepare. The group that performed "Shine" I believe was supposed to be a group of 5 but two guys were either sick or unable to make it to filming because I believe the dance practice had all 5 members. Also, I'm sure MNet had a group perform Shine just so they can create that whole Hui crying about his group storyline. Anyways, if youre already emotional on episode one, you're in for a RIDE for the next 11 episodes.


Also, just putting this here in case you're interested but A LOT of the guys on this show have since debuted or are debuting soon. I won't name who is in the groups (since idk how much spoilers you want) but these groups have multiple or consist entirely of Boys Planet trainees: EVNNE, TIOT, One Pact, Ampers&One


I love this show so much♡ thank you, angie!

ELIte squad

excited your starting boys planet. Jay was my 1 pick so its funny seeing your reaction to him lol


Just so you know with the glamour shot for Hanbin, by the time mnet was editing the show he'd already earned his spot as center so of course they need to highlight him. They also highlighted Hao by talking about his musical talents. It's just how these types of shows work, there's 98 of them of course mnet will pick certain trainees they find interesting or talented and want to highlight so some trainees will get more screentime than others. Hanbin is extremely talented and a genuinely lovely person so I really wish you won't hold that type of thing against him. He still to this day gets a lot of hate from people who think he's being favored, there were even protest trucks against him parked outside wakeone just a few days ago. Anyway I'm excited for you to continue on the boys planet journey and I hope you enjoy it!!

BaoziBang (Tali)

To make you feel better: The Top 30 basically all already debuted and at least 5 of the others too!