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Okay, so the past nearly 2 weeks i've been struggling a lot. Not gonna lie, I did a dumb thing and regret it a lot. I mentioned a few times trying to get seventeen tickets, but as you probably know, ticketmaster and other sites resell them for ridiculous amounts of money for decent seats. I was desperate for decent seats and knew many people sell their tickets on twitter. I've seen many people actually get tickets for face value or a little more. And I may or may not have tried to get some. I did a lot of research (like have the person send a video to show they really had tickets and make sure the account wasn't just created), but still managed to get scammed. I assume the person had the tickets but was trying to get extra money still. I used paypal like an idiot and the person blocked me as soon as i sent money. 

I have been very stressed the past two weeks, because I lost 600$ and paypal AND my bank refused to refund me the money, even when I sent countless proofs that the person scammed me (screenshots of our convo, me sending the money, my ticketmaster account showing they neversent me tickets, pictures of the person blocking me, etc). And alas, I ended up 600$ short and hours of time wasted from calling people and trying everything to get the money back. I spent a lot of time crying and that's also why my videos have been posted at random timesand patreon videos have been delayed a lot.

I never wanted to ask this or be that person, but honestly, losing that much money hit hard and I feel dumb and embarrased, but if anyone here has some extra money or could spare a few dollars, I'd be beyond grateful. Even a few dollars from a few people can add up. A friend of mine had been far too generous and helped a lot, so honestly i only have 300 left i need to get it all back. 

If you really are hestitant on helping,, you can also add a little video request but pls, maybe under ten minutes or something. And be patient with me, cause this depressed me a lot and i do have some requests i'm later than usual on, since I try to prerecord but this really messed me up emotionally.

It's okay if you can't help, this was MY mistake and I was an idiot. I just thought, cause I've seen other people get tickets this way, that it would work. And it would cut the ticket price so much. But I was dumb and even after doing everything people suggested, I got screwed over.

If you can and are willing, here's my paypal, but don't feel obligated or forced in any way to help. (if you request a video, can you add your patreon name? It'd be nice to know who helped out <3)



Stephen Ball

I’m really sorry that happened to you, and hope you can recoup at least most of your losses. Everybody makes mistakes, try not to be too hard on yourself!