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:( i loved this so much but it got blocked. Very sad. Bonus suju video ELFs!

LINK: https://dai.ly/x8bspso

Password: 19



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2022-10-17 19:23:08 Yeah there are a lot of interactions between super junior and winner esp. recently. Leeteuk, donghae. jinwoo, and seunghoon were on super trip season 3 (a chill little series were they go on a trip in korea). Jinwoo and seunghoon guested on D&E show and D&E went to winner's concert too(it's so cute you can find clips of it. A fan lent them a lightstick and donghae accidently took it with him and spoke about it on d&e show and signed it and sent it back to her lol. donghae also hugged winner members that came close to them during the concert and the security thought he was a fan lol idk look these up) Kyuhyun is also close to Mino since theyve been on the same show for a while, and he and eunhyuk went to winner's concert in 2019 too. these are the things i could remember. i feel like theyre one of the non-sm groups suju adopted along with seventeen(theyre also close to them) and elfs love these groups too :)
2022-06-22 23:04:29 Yeah there are a lot of interactions between super junior and winner esp. recently. Leeteuk, donghae. jinwoo, and seunghoon were on super trip season 3 (a chill little series were they go on a trip in korea). Jinwoo and seunghoon guested on D&E show and D&E went to winner's concert too(it's so cute you can find clips of it. A fan lent them a lightstick and donghae accidently took it with him and spoke about it on d&e show and signed it and sent it back to her lol. donghae also hugged winner members that came close to them during the concert and the security thought he was a fan lol idk look these up) Kyuhyun is also close to Mino since theyve been on the same show for a while, and he and eunhyuk went to winner's concert in 2019 too. these are the things i could remember. i feel like theyre one of the non-sm groups suju adopted along with seventeen(theyre also close to them) and elfs love these groups too :)

Yeah there are a lot of interactions between super junior and winner esp. recently. Leeteuk, donghae. jinwoo, and seunghoon were on super trip season 3 (a chill little series were they go on a trip in korea). Jinwoo and seunghoon guested on D&E show and D&E went to winner's concert too(it's so cute you can find clips of it. A fan lent them a lightstick and donghae accidently took it with him and spoke about it on d&e show and signed it and sent it back to her lol. donghae also hugged winner members that came close to them during the concert and the security thought he was a fan lol idk look these up) Kyuhyun is also close to Mino since theyve been on the same show for a while, and he and eunhyuk went to winner's concert in 2019 too. these are the things i could remember. i feel like theyre one of the non-sm groups suju adopted along with seventeen(theyre also close to them) and elfs love these groups too :)


There's also an episode of this with his members (Shindong and Siwon). Man they are as hilarious and real af


Love suju winner content😍 mino has guested on dne show once, and the rest of members came on the other episode too