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now knowing what im getting into, i kind of like it?? In a weird way? Except Carson. I dont like Carson so far lol.

LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x832zow

Password: shoes



lightning doughnut

I have super mixed feelings abt this episode. (I do like Carson tho)- I found it kinda odd that they made Hyunmin’s character obsessed with shoes, everyone accused him of stealing, and the random rap verse??? Idk but that’s pretty stereotypical and kinda racist to me. (As a black person) Hyunmin IS half Korean and was born +raised there and has opened up on verity shows abt the racism he’s experienced- I hate that his character is mostly a stereotype :(. Them making Jamie questioning or bi-curious is still great representation tho! It isn’t played for laughs or as a joke.