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LINK: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xw6iy

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so i was thinking of doing twiceland zone 2 fantasy park, but i don't know if it's that different from og twiceland? they strangely dont have many tours :(  let me know if i should do that next! I am starting to record SIXTEEN this week, it'll be posted after i ffinish uploading the rest of elegant private life.




Twice dream day dome tour it is amazing concert the concert sold out in 3 mins with 110,000 attendee its a 2 days concert with 55,000 seat. It is worth to watch Part 1 https://youtu.be/OaY3SKHJPIo Part 2 https://youtu.be/uEbmrZEjTpQ


Twiceland zone 2 is different from the first, this had much more amazing sets compared to their other tours, I suggest to watch this because it's a great tour