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hi guys! I usually don't bother making these posts, but quite a few random videos on dailymotion have been taken down the past week and sadly, the stupid website doesn't say which videos they are :( most are assuming it's the password wrong, but i realized it's usually the video is taken down. They seem to be older videos and that makes it harder to figure it out. I just wanna say, please just message me and let me know!

I have the videos still (i keep them just in case since patreon is people paying to watch) and just need to figure out which ones they are. I will be putting the ones taken down on google drive, because that would be 'neater' and it will remain in order that way, instead of posting them now and having the videos out of order for new patrons.

Thanks for being so patient and for those letting me know! It just takes a bit to find the video and reupload it and edit the posts. And as always, if you just joined and things are missing, i will always send the link to you, regardless if you stay the month after!

I may not always respond the same day, but don't worry! I will see it!


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