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Every day may be special, but today is special multiplied by 2! *0* !
Sunset wants to give you a gift, that is why she has waited for you until you got home, and give you this spectacular surprise! We can't deny this: Sunset looks BEAUTIFUL in red, don't you think? XD .. Well, here is! Is it your birthday? It is definitely a special date! Would you accept this gift from her? XD

Hey guys! Sup ^-^.. Monday huh? This weekend was definitely short XD .. I have been working on the next drawings (dont worry, very calmly), and a legendary surprise awaits you! By the way, I plan to do a poll about "super explicit" drawings (you know what I mean).. would you like me to draw something like that? I have a new theme in mind that involves a boy and a girl (I know you understand me), but I would like your opinions anyway ^^. For now, enjoy this Sunset pic, i Hope you like it guys! ^^

>> next: alts and nudes! :D

>> next next: misty G5, rarity explicit, sunny G5, fluttershy explicit and more!! <3
