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I don't know how I've managed to fit in so many update in a single month, but I doubt anybody is complaining haha.

Another week gone and another pack of chapters are available for you at your leisure!

Mover/Shaker chapter 5 is out - Uki's recent shenanigans have potentially put him trouble with a gym leader.

IoTV! chapters 27.5, 28, and 28.5 are also out!

Bas and Emma have a heart to heart as their Hollywood careers are beginning to evolve. We saw what the fans online have to say about the franchise and Bas. And Tropic Thunder has officially exploded on to the scene - literally!

Additionally Bas has been spotted in the wild and we catch a glimpse of how he's grown over the last few years via a magazine article.

I hope everyone enjoyed this week's offerings. As an aside to all the new members who've joined this week. As standard practice I always summarise what I've achieved every week in these update posts - I consistently release 3 chapters of IoTV! every week with some bonus content.

As always each and every one of you keeps me going, growing, and trying new things!

All my love!


Bar Calak


David Karlsson

Pokèmon update on Wednesday?

Michael G

Any ideas of Bas hopping up on YouTube and creating videos such as play throughs or bloopers or even vlogs?


Bas would be the first Youtuber to reach 1 million subscribers.


Hey yeah it's 2007, Bas should pioneer the Youtuber life.


Would be smart too, if YouTube hasn’t been sold to Google yet, for Bas to buy into YouTube also