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Hi all!

So, the Cute Creatures Compendium is now on Foundry VTT as a premium module, and the good people over there told me I can link the module to Patreon, which I did!

Tier 3 Patreon supporters can access the full Cute Creatures Compendium (and any other homebrew I may put up on Foundry VTT in the future) on Foundry VTT. This means that while you remain a Tier 3 Patreon supporter, you can download and update any modules I make available on Foundry VTT!

Here’s how to get Cute Creatures Compendium on Foundry VTT as a Patreon supporter:

Step 1: Log into your Foundry VTT account and link your Patreon account at the bottom of this page here: https://foundryvtt.com/me/edit

Step 2: Go to https://foundryvtt.com/me/subscriptions and make sure Catilus is listed under "Subscribed Content". If not, just hit the “Refresh” button!

Step 3: Open the Foundry VTT application and search “Catilus” in the “Add-on Modules” tab. The module should appear first. Alternatively, you can grab the latest manifest URL from the module’s page here https://foundryvtt.com/packages/ccc-5e and paste it in the “Add-on Modules” tab.

Step 4: Install the module.

Step 5: Launch your world, open the “Game Settings” tab, click "Manage Modules", and enable Cute Creatures Compendium.

Step 6:  Now you can access the module’s contents through the “Compendium Packs” tab! This includes all creatures as actors, all rollable tables, and the entire book’s contents in the “Cute Creatures Journal” entry, full with all the art and the lore and everything!





Finally. The RPG compendium I have been waiting for. About bloody time.


I bought it and that was a bad decision. i did not get that it is only for the VTT system. s I have no intention to use VTT and wante dit for my P&amp;P D&amp;D game I thought I would get a PDF alongside. But it seems I also need to buy VTT to acess the PDF. i am confused.


You can get just the PDF here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/414023/Cute-Creatures-Compendium If you didn't intend to buy the VTT version, then DriveThruRPG can issue a refund. Let's talk directly and sort it out. :)


Well thanks for the answer. I didn't intend to buy the VTT but I will keep it. Maybe someday I will have a use for it. Just bought the PDF only.......it soooo cuuuute. Just what I have been looking for. Also bought some more stuff from you. Cool add ons. :)