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Hey all!

In the latest worldbuilding poll you voted the holiday option, so here is the Sack of Many Gifts!


Sack of Many Gifts

Wondrous Item, Very Rare

Made by a philanthropist who wanted to spread love and optimism to the world, this semi-sentient sack has been infused with divination and conjuration magic to magically create perfect gifts for those who have been nice and reveal those who have been naughty.

As an action, any creature can reach inside the sack and receive a gift from it. A creature of good or neutral alignment receives any item they might desire that costs no more than 100 gp. A creature of evil alignment receives a worthless lump of coal. Creatures immune to divination magic or effects that would sense their emotions or read their thoughts receive generic gifts such as a scented candle, a potted plant, a cheeseboard set, or a pair of fuzzy socks.

The sack can give gifts up to a total worth of 25,000 gp until it’s empty. The sack magically refills on the eve of the winter solstice each year. Once a creature has received a gift from the sack, it cannot receive another one until the sack refills. Even when full, the sack never weighs more than 60 pounds.


What do you think? :)

Download the FULL-SIZED printable version of the Sack of Many Gifts from the attachment below!
