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I’m proud to announce the launch of my spider-themed D&D supplement: Adoptable Spider Eggs on DriveThruRPG! (and FREE for my Patreon supporters!)

Voted by my awesome Patreon supporters and authored by my DM Theodore Koukouvitis, this unique supplement includes six new D&D items that allow you to hatch and raise your very own magical spiders, as well as stat blocks for two formidable spiders (CR 8 and CR 21)!

Join the spider fun: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/382140/Adoptable-Spider-Eggs-5e-Items-and-Stat-Blocks

Catilus Patreon supporters can get the supplement directly (and for FREE) here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/adoptable-spider-60524598

A new family of 5e items that allow you to adopt your own magical spiders and raise them into trusty companions!

  • Discover an astounding array of mystical eggs, including a legendary egg and an artifact egg!
  • Hatch, adopt, and raise spiders of all sizes, from tiny to gargantuan!
  • Get to know each spider, with its unique features and personality quirks
  • Pet and ride the Enormous Wooly Spider (CR 8) to battle!
  • Feel the might of The Arachniarch (CR 21), capable of carrying entire buildings on its back!
  • Beautiful illustrations by acclaimed fantasy artist Catilus! (that’s me!)

A huge thanks to all Catilus Patreon supporters who made this supplement possible!

More to come!



Austin Judes

These give me all sorts of ideas for my cabal of good aligned drow, particularly the Arachniarch. I was having a hard time placing where they would take up residence but now I think they will be nomadic atop an enormous spider. Traveling between places friendly to their people peddling spider eggs, trinkets and wares acquired in their journeys, as well as ferrying travelers.