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Hello everybody! In the last “YOU Choose, I Draw!” poll you voted for “A mysterious shadow dragon of Theomachy in her dark elf form and her true form!” and I gave you Nethyrassa, the awesome shadow dragon who lives as a dark elf priestess but yearns to explore the world and discover the truth of her existence!

Now, we’re voting again! What will YOU choose?

Will it be a stained glass portrait of one of the warring gods of Theomachy, Orelyn staring at some magic treasure, a fiery red dragon of Theomachy in her mortal form and her true form, the Catilus as an otherworldly warlock patron, Xuna cuddling with space critters, a scene from the adventurers of Neket and Darael, an NPC illustration and stablock of Oriel, my noble sun elf illusionist and diviner, or THREE extra D&D items?

You vote, I draw!

Like with all previous polls (except for the first one), you have multiple votes, so you can pick more than one option! This will give me a better idea of what people want to see more!

So, here's the poll! Please tell me what YOU want to see next. :)

P.S. Here are some previous artworks of some of the options to help you decide!



The Catilus (will be your warlock patron!)

Neket, and Neket, and Neket, and Neket, and Darael :P

Oriel with Orelyn :)



Would love to see more of Darael and Neket in particular! :)