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So, here’s a party of five heroes exploring the jungles of Chult in a Tomb of Annihilation campaign!

  • Clara Moonglow, half-elf cleric of death (bottom left)
  • Ash Shadowalker, Halfling rogue (bottom middle)
  • Raphael, high elf warlock and bladesinger (bottom right)
  • Khurc, Aarakocra druid (upper right)
  • Kelsier, The Unseen Arrow, high elf rogue and arcane archer (upper left)

In this illustration, Ash and Clara are laughing about an inside joke, Raphael is trying to make sense of a local map, Khurc is casting Goodmango, and Kelsier is keeping an eye out for danger.

Wow! So, this is the largest commissioned piece I’ve done to date and I’m super proud of the result! What do you think? :)

Want more detail? Click the attachment below for the full-sized, HIGH RESOLUTION version!




I absolutely love this, plus the lizard! :P


I love this! I'm also stealing the title "The Unseen Arrow" to bestow upon one of my players once she's leveled up a bit more. 😘